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Crewkerz Jealousy 26''


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Dear All,

The new Crewkerz Jealousy 26'' will be available in some weeks, here the first view :


3 sizes (S, M & L).

through axles, AS30, Tensioner, Tapered,...

More informations coming soon.

We are ready to hear your point of view (positive or negative)




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My first impression is that looks smart as f**k. I've always appreciated atomz and crewkerz stuff for it's apparent quality and unconventional ideas. Not conforming to a norm is always a bold move, especially so in a small world like biketrial.

Quick question though...

AS30 is the BB standard where the bearings a press fitted into the frame like an echo, but using much larger dia. bearings, in conjunction with an axle that comes out like a BMX 3 piece / hollowtech style (instead of being fixed in by the bearings like the Echo/Zoo! system), is that all correct?

Instead of BB30 which has tapered cups in frame, and resembles an internal headset turned sideways?

Edited by CC12345678910
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Why not ?

It's just a name, we cannot have a perfect name for everybody, there are always a problem with a country, language,... Sometime the name is perfect for English users, but it can be bad for a spanish guy,...

Jealousy name have a good success in France, Spain, Swiss, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Japan. But not a good succes in USA and UK. What can we do ? nothing. We cannot use different name for each country/langage.

We put energy on the engeneering not on the name. It's a key point for us. If the customers choose a bike only for the name, we can stop this business.

Same problem with Cleep and 100 % of production was sell in 3 weeks.

Easy to put a sticker on the frame to change the name.

if you have names idea for the future, your help will be good.

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AS30 use the Pressfit30 standard. Cups are pressed in the frame like the semi integrated headset. and we use standard bearing 42*7*30.

Here the video to understand this standard, the last AS30 version doesn't use 2 bolts to fix the bashring.


Edited by Crewkerz
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I like the frames, but the name seems a bit lazy. It's like you've just gone to a dictionary and plucked a word (or a noise as the Cleep seemed to be the case). Most people would think about names that represent what the frame stands for, as you would a business name (but then again you seem to have just come up with a random noise for that too).

If it ends up the word is French then that's cool, it's a French company so it would be fitting. Inspired found a word that gives a certain image and sense of what the type of riding they are intended fore even before you see them. The Arcade was named as most of the testing was done in Blackpool which has a lot of amusement arcades plus riding the bike should be fun like playing a game.

"Jealousy" doesn't make me think of anything positive....it's a really odd word to use for a frame name. Instead you could think as to what the frames intention is (even "intention" would be a better name), who tested it and where? You could chose words that give a sense of how stiff or strong it was, words that describe success and being at the top.

It's up to you though, your frames do seem to be some of the best out there, it seems a shame to then give up the quality when it comes to naming them. You might not think it's a problem but if half most of the replies you get on these forums are complaining about the name perhaps it's something worth doing something about?

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Ah ok. So I had some of the details right, on some parts I was horribly wrong though!

Again that crank system looks really smart and beefy.

Is there a way that some sort of spline to thread adapter could be made for these cranks, to allow the use of a screw on sprocket?

As it is, If I was in the market for a new frame, this would be the dealbreaker, since I would have to give up using a Pro2, and I would actively avoid anything that would force me into using a freewheel.

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In this forum and OT forum, 90% posts talk about the wrong Crewkerz points :

Names : Bad name

Artwork : Color and design

Standard we use : AS30, Tapered, Tensioner

Weight : some hundred gr more than the other brand on the 26'' (20'' is close to the other brand and sometime lighter)

10% only talk about our good points :

Warranty service

3 geo on the 26''

Strong bikes

Quality/price for the Freed.

If we follow these forum our bike will use the ISIS, horizontal dropout, 1"1/8 headtube,....

Trial business is too small to work around the good name for each country.

  On 7/27/2015 at 5:27 PM, CC12345678910 said:

Ah ok. So I had some of the details right, on some parts I was horribly wrong though!

Again that crank system looks really smart and beefy.

Is there a way that some sort of spline to thread adapter could be made for these cranks, to allow the use of a screw on sprocket?

As it is, If I was in the market for a new frame, this would be the dealbreaker, since I would have to give up using a Pro2, and I would actively avoid anything that would force me into using a freewheel.

We use shimano splines on these AS30 crankset. You can use Hope rearhub with thruaxle and splined (Shimano splines) sprocket instead the Freewheel on the crankset.

The last year, Jack Carthy used this combinaison.

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Its in your hands to make it perfect with no bad points, you seem to want feedback yet you then complain when you get it.

It's a good frame with a bad name, it's not like it costs any more or needs some complex tooling and design work to correct....it's just a word.......just choose a less shit one :P

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  On 7/27/2015 at 5:32 PM, Crewkerz said:

In this forum and OT forum, 90% posts talk about the wrong Crewkerz points :

Names : Bad name...

10% only talk about our good points :

Warranty service

3 geo on the 26''

Strong bikes

Quality/price for the Freed.

Do you think that might have something to do with you only mentioning the name and graphics of the frame for the past week, and not giving any other details? You've been highlighting the fact it's called "Jealousy", coming up with hashtags for it and so on, but you haven't given the geo or any other information for it so what do you expect?

If you just post a drawing of a frame with the name and graphics, people are going to talk about the name and graphics. They're not going to talk about geometry they don't know, etc...

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  On 7/27/2015 at 2:45 PM, Crewkerz said:

We are ready to hear your point of view (positive or negative)

Hmm. It's a very small criticism really, it's a bit loud and arrogant, taking this literally (don't see how else you choose a name, i'm sure it's not some arbitrary indifference ) but do people want to be seen to think it's making others jealous, as there is a bit of implication.. I really like the look of it though, and I'm sure it'll gain it's reputation from how it rides,

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I'm French and this name sounds OK for me so I'm surprised of your reactions here and on OT.

Firs it's quite common now in France to name a new concept (here a new bike) with an English word. No explanation, ask for a linguist.

Then, I believe the crewkerz's boss is a DJ. Jealousy is a famous song here from Martin Solveig. Even Crewkerz might be linked to the Italian DJs Crookers.

Jealousy, certainly also because as they're quite creative in designing their bikes, they may think the others will be willing to copy them. It is actually quite arrogant, but why not.

We definitely need more information about the bike.

And a funny story. I used to have a Gu Typhoon 20".

If you respect the english pronunciation for Typhoon, it litteraly means in French "Trim the bush".

Which is a funny but not appropriate name for a bike.

Edited by madman64
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Sorry if I'm agressive with my answers, my english is really bad, and I cannot defends my point of view with the simple english words.

I would like just say for us the name is not a priority, because it's impossible to have a perfect name. ''Inspired'' is a bad name for french people, because we don't have the good phonetic.

we sold only 2% of our Cleep production in UK, 0 Cleep in USA, and 98 % in the other country and Cleep was a wrong name for USA and UK. If we change the name, maybe we will sell more bikes in UK and USA, but less in the other country for the same reasons.

And about the name, we prefer push in our strong country.

But I said in UK and USA, the name is not the only problem to sell more bike, maybe the riders didn't accept to ride with a different bike without horizontal dropout,...

Sorry again, We have to be better about communication to explain our standard we use, spirit,...


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  On 7/27/2015 at 6:47 PM, Crewkerz said:

we sold only 2% of our Cleep production in UK, 0 Cleep in USA, and 98 % in the other country and Cleep was a wrong name for USA and UK. I we change the name, maybe we will sell more bikes in UK and USA, but less in the other country for the same reasons.

But I said in UK and USA, the name is not the only problem to sell more bike, maybe the riders didn't accept to ride with a different bike without horizontal dropout,...

I think that's primarily down to it being a totally different market here. In Europe it seems riders have bought into the idea of buying a complete bike from a company for the season, whereas in the US/UK people tend to buy frames then custom build the remainder of the bike. Riders here like the idea of the crankset, splined hubs/freewheels, etc., but not many people want to buy a complete bike.

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  On 7/27/2015 at 6:49 PM, Mark W said:

I think that's primarily down to it being a totally different market here. In Europe it seems riders have bought into the idea of buying a complete bike from a company for the season, whereas in the US/UK people tend to buy frames then custom build the remainder of the bike. Riders here like the idea of the crankset, splined hubs/freewheels, etc., but not many people want to buy a complete bike.

Yes we knew it. To have a good bike our engeneers have to work on the complete bike and not only on the frame.

The frame is available and you can assemble the frame AS30 or Hashtagg/Tryall/Racing line BB30, All fork with a crown reducer, and all rear hub in 12 mm through axle. but you have to use our tensioner.

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I think it's mainly the quality of the freewheels available and the number of rear hubs that are available that's a limiting factor. I haven't really seen/heard many positives reviews for most of the freewheels available for use on these cranksets, and 12mm axle rear hubs aren't widely available. I get that you can use a Hope instead (and I probably would if I was going down that route), but I don't think many riders necessarily associate a high end comp bike with using a rear Hope (despite everything Jack can do with it :P).

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  On 7/27/2015 at 6:42 PM, madman64 said:

And a funny story. I used to have a Gu Typhoon 20".

If you respect the english pronunciation for Typhoon, it litteraly means in French "Trim the bush".

Which is a funny but not appropriate name for a bike.

je parle seulement un petit peu de francais, mais c'est une betise, n'est pas?

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