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Knee compression that stays put whilst riding


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Hey all.

Lately I have been putting more time on the bike than I have in 10 years. Off the bike I've got some major problems and / or renovations to our home and two little kids, so I'm not catching much of a break during off days. All in all I'm feeling stronger and more confident than ever, which also means I'm starting to do a lot more big / ballsy stuff. I'm loving it, but my knees disagree.

I'm going to start icing my knees after every ride, but was also considering knee support and / or compression during riding on occasion. Obviously it's not a good habit to do consistently, but on days when they aren't feeling good to begin or even just putting on for 15 minutes in the beginning of a ride to help get warmed up it would be nice. Tried a few options, standard pharmacy knee support, ace bandage, and a crappy powerlifting wrap that wasn't big enough for my leg. They all constantly pushed down and had to be readjusted almost every line. My quads are fairly big and it seems like it would be nice to have something that comes fairly high. (21.5 in / 55 cm just a few inches above the kneecap).

Anybody found something that works? I know I had seen some of the bigger riders using knee wraps in the past. Was it TRA I saw used to use powerlifting wraps?

I'm sure some of the heavier riders can chime in. I'm just under 220 lbs / 100 kg.

Edited by cwtrials
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If your after some sort of support have a google at Smith Knee Gaskets. My thighs are 22 inches and larges fit great. They're supposed to be used as an additional support but mine feel nice and snug until I can sort my knee brace.

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