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biggest innovation in trials?


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Monty, onza and deng. More so Deng though, he brought light durable equipment, in the early days anyway to the masses. Bike trials in the UK wouldn't be what it is now without onza. Monty who started the whole thing. It can't be put down to any one innovation in my mind

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If Danny wasn't around trials wouldn't be that different. Think of all the French dudes with the awesome street style.

Oh wait.

it would not be different by that much as we have people like Ali C, but trials would be less know and less popular for sure

And trials does need a massive popularity incrase

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The this millennium part of the question actually makes it really hard to answer. I'd agree that Mr Macaskill (if a person can be classed as an innovation counts) has probably done more than anyone or any brand to bring trials to wider public,along with his sponsors. As far as aactual innovation goes I don't think I can narrow it down to one thing.

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it would not be different by that much as we have people like Ali C, but trials would be less know and less popular for sure

And trials does need a massive popularity incrase

I really respect and like Danny Mac, but he does not portrait the real Trials riding with the recent videos. General population is still very unfamiliar with normal trial riding.

«Oh I know, trial is what that english bloke does, what is his name? Danny something ... Can you do frontflips too?»

Ali C is less flashy and less know to the public, but he rise the bar with techy lines

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Maguras, you younger lot have no idea what shit we had to work with in the mid/late 90's!

Maguras were out in the nineties. The pads weren't very good though. I think v's might have actually been later than maggys but I'm not sure when the trials community caught on to them.

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We got our Maguras in about 97/98, and the red kool stop pads definitely made them better than any of the V brakes back then, there were no soft v pads and no one was grinding rims, we were barely using tar by then!

Discs weren't good enough for trials, plus people have been using Maguras for a good 18-20 years now (despite them getting worse) I don't think there's a product more synonymous with trials, even if they were never trials specific.

Edited by LEON
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They have them on a few hybrids, and on time trial bikes albeit in a different mechanical form. I had my first set of maggies way back in 97, green frogs with cnc boosters and kool stops

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True. They've become trials specific now I guess because who actually uses magura rim brakes other then trials riders? There will be people I know but not on a large scale for a specific genre of riding.

Large enough though for Magura to totally not give a shit about how bad the 2011 brakes were for trials because they're selling shitloads of them as OEM brakes for trekking bikes, E-bikes and a bunch of other "No fun at all" kinds of bikes. I expect those disciplines are the reason they still make them as from Magura's point of view, the only warranties they're likely to get are from trials bikes and I don't think they'd make anywhere near the amount they do on rim brake sales from disc brake sales so it's probably just more hassle for them. It was effort for TB to get Magura spares from them before which I'd assume is partially down to people riding other types of bikes just fitting them then never doing anything to them - still see a few people rolling around Cardiff with original raceline yellow Maguras that look like they're all exactly as they were out of the factory.

It would be interesting to see what the actual split was though between trials and non-trials use (Y)

Seems like stronger, seatless frames only really came about in the early-2000's (the Levelboss being launched was a pretty big deal, especially with how bulletproof they were for a relatively good price compared to other high end frames at the time), so I'd say that was a pretty major innovation, especially for 26" bikes.

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