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James Barton Spot Check - The Canopy


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I've been sitting on a lot of footage because I've been sick for a long time. Today was the first day I felt healthy enough to get back to riding. It was raining, so I couldn't go film the stuff that I wanted to for my other project.

I still got out to the canopy to ride under cover.

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Good shit (Y) Kudos for making throwing the bars look that easy when we all know it isn't. Out of interest, are your bars cut down at all or are they full width?

Are you tempted to put brakes back on at all or are you planning on staying brakeless for the bigger video you've got planned?

Also, nice one on the 360 nose bonk thing on the pole too. I've been meaning to learn them for ages but I'm struggling to get my head around them. Maybe I need to just go have a car park session some time soon...

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  On 5/31/2015 at 8:45 PM, Mark W said:

Good shit (Y) Kudos for making throwing the bars look that easy when we all know it isn't. Out of interest, are your bars cut down at all or are they full width?

Are you tempted to put brakes back on at all or are you planning on staying brakeless for the bigger video you've got planned?

Also, nice one on the 360 nose bonk thing on the pole too. I've been meaning to learn them for ages but I'm struggling to get my head around them. Maybe I need to just go have a car park session some time soon...

Thanks Mark!

The bars are full width. I would cut them a bit, but with brakes on there isn't enough room. Yes, I am planning on running brakes again some day.

My other project (I have a couple minutes of footage from the past month) is all brakeless, but with a bit more trials influence than this video. I wish I could have 2 bikes, one with brakes and one without. All the BMXy stuff is so much more fun sans brakes, but I miss the set-ups I can ride with brakes. Brakes are also better for demos. The inspiration to go brakeless for now was made easy by blown pistons and wrecked fingers from catching levers on barspins.

For the 360 nose-bonk, go faster than you want to and spin for a hop 360. If you can hop 3 you can do this trick, you just need to time it right.

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When I do the 180 version I kind of deliberately stall it at around the 90 mark then push the front end in to get the bonk and rest of the spin. Is it kind of similar with the 3 version of it or do you just glance it?

Glad to hear there's a potential return of the brakes though. Although I really like your riding without brakes, some of the potential moves/lines you had in that Shaka Brah video were rad. The 270 tyre tap barspin right at the start was the shit, I need more of that in my life...

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That Hang ten was beautiful! Loved the video, like all of your previous ones! keep them coming.

After the nose bonk - manual to 180 bars, I was expecting a 180 nose bonk on the post again, trumped that with throwing them bars! Make it look too easy!

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