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Hey guys,

thought I'd share this video here.

Had an appearance on TvTotal, one of the most famous late night shows in Germany, about a million viewers.

After a small talk (on German, but you get the idea :) ) I have done a little demo, happy I've kept my nerves!

Hope you like it.




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Thanks guys!

bikeperson45: Thanks! No real warm up, just did it very quick. I'm pretty used to ride shows (cold) with a very quick warm up, so that wasn't a problem. (I usually use the flatland part as a warm up haha).

Ross: Yeah console. The BHhop actually wasn't that close. I may have made it looked close? :) haha. The length of the studio was just a bit short but the hop no problem. Although I consider myself a pretty relaxed demo rider I was nervous about the slackline part as it was a weird situation with the cameras in the background and have never done it in a show before. I was so glad it worked on the first try. :) Thanks!

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To be given that much airtime and genuine interest and attension was a total gift. Definitely refreshing.

There is absolutely no way anyone on british tv would have treated you with that much respect. Any of the talk show hosts over here would have shoehorned you into a strict disiterested 3min segment and spent half that time taking the piss, usually with an unfunny, moronic chringefest. It's not accident that i'm spending an increasing amount of time watching my choice of content online - something I didn't think would happen.

It seems alternative sport may have a home in europe.

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