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Bail out strategy


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Situation: you are on the back wheel ready to drop off. You are high enogh not to be able to just step off the bike but not so high that you have any reasonable amount of time to react. Your backwheel gets caught and you take a dive, frontwheel first. What do you do? How do you try to land?

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This happened to me yesterday except it was massive gust of wind that caught me. I couldn't do anything but accept i was going to get hurt...my fork drop out somehow landed perfectly on a chain between two posts which saved me ! But yeah i think you just have to accept the crash :(

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If the drop is quite high you probably have time to say a short prayer and hope the Lord guides you gently to the ground, perhaps styling it up slightly.

I was hoping for the universal solution to how to not get hurt but thanks anyhow. :)

Oh sorry, I thought you wanted us to take the piss.

Try to jump in the opposite direction to where your bike is headed. Spot your landing as early as possibly so you don't impale yourself on a spike or twist your ankle by landing on an uneven surface. Bend your knees and don't be afraid for your hands to go down or even to roll over (think about how a free runner might land after a large drop.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

When i went for a 6 foot drop i rolled forwards went to pull back and realised i was in 9th gear.. Foolish of me!

I let the bike drop and i hopped over the bars, just remember to bend your knees if your lucky enough to last that was up!

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