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Worst production trial bikes thread...


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So after the recent(ish) best looking trials bike threads what do people think is the worst.

The only rule being it has to be a model of bike that was or still is in production and available to buy anywhere in the world with the exception of prototype frames that lead into the design of a production model (no hand made ones pretty much). Expecting some bike history here guys!

Starting with post-22185-0-54318600-1423513016_thumb.j

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The bike I had was like 18 Kg. That frame is brutal, steel and strong.

The geo was in retro perspective certainly interesting.. but I spent many hours on that bike :)

Edit: this is not mine it is one that I found on google

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Always hated the look of Sky2/3/Raijin frames

Any stock frame with a super high bb just looks wrong to me, think it has something to do with the down and top tubes being pretty much parallel to each other. Can be said for most frames now though i suppose

Zhi ZM3 however wins it for me


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for some completely unexplainable reason I quite like the Raptor too......

I really don't like this though


this! f*cking awful. my mate designed a frame and pretty sure he showed the guys at mission with the idea of getting something into production and and after that they came out with this half assed design.I've got a proto type of the 26" Version of the original design and it is so much better than the design they ended up with

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for some completely unexplainable reason I quite like the Raptor too......

I really don't like this though


Thinkdougie bought one of these for £30 just for the brakes


The bike I had was like 18 Kg. That frame is brutal, steel and strong.

The geo was in retro perspective certainly interesting.. but I spent many hours on that bike :)

Edit: this is not mine it is one that I found on google

I used to have one of these

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