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TartyBikes Open Trial Video


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Towards the end of last year we ran an experimental format competition at Shipley Glen, which we named the Open Trial - here's the video!


We've had to use Dailymotion as both Vimeo and YouTube are whinging about music copyright... Sorry. You might be able to skip the adverts by going straight to the URL: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2g8eox_tartybikes-open-trial_sport

There are plans to do another but nothing concrete yet. It very much depends on the rest of the calendar and when we have free weekends. We'll post details as and when :)



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Enjoyed that for a change, can see it being a lot more appealing for outsiders rather than people seeing riders having a huge tactical dab which is just not cool.

Even made me want to have a go and I haven't had a trials push bike for a couple of years now (blimey that's longer than I thought), suppose I could join the mtb crew.

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Enjoyed that for a change, can see it being a lot more appealing for outsiders rather than people seeing riders having a huge tactical dab which is just not cool.

Even made me want to have a go and I haven't had a trials push bike for a couple of years now (blimey that's longer than I thought), suppose I could join the mtb crew.

Cheers dude - that's exactly what we wanted it to be about / to do. Maybe we need to encourage more MTBers to have a crack next time :) We will definitely be making the speed bonus a lot harder to obtain so smashing through white route on an MTB could be pretty good fun and still get decent points...

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