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right bike for tall guy


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Well basically im looking for a bike. Im 6'1 and im looking for a pure trials bike. After some research ive figured maybe a 20" is a good start and i was looking at the echo lite on tardy website. My concern is will a 20" be hard on my back since im so tall? If any one else has suggestions on a bike thatd be apprecitated. And ive also been riding dirt bikes for 10 years and i have a diamondback soronto ive tried to do stuff on lol i can do a side hop i believe its called, onto a curb about 8 inches high on it and stayed balanced at a stand still for however long i want.

Thanks in advanced.

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I was in the same situation as you as I only started trials this year and about your height. I started on a 20 but always found I was too big for it and was constantly trying to make it fit me. Then I switched to a 26 and was much more comfortable. I would say it depends on your budget, if you want to start cheap get a 20 and fit a 180-35 stem as this seems to be how taller riders set up theirs.

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It's not really the wheelsize it's the geometry that affects how a bike rides. You'll probably want something with quite a big reach as that is what tends to cramp you up.

hows the echo lite? I was looking at high rise bars that i could get. And is there a certain number to look for? I want to buy this month because its 10 percent off at tarty all month and thatll save me about $200
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