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Things that piss you off about the woman in your life


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No, I almost certainly would kick your ass if you actually spoke to me like that.

But you don't know what you're angry at. So you being confused causes you to want to beat people up?

If I was in earshot and you spoke about women in the way you did, I'd have been pretty f**ked off as well, it would annoy me lots. I'd probably question you on it before reaching for a glass though…..

"Almost certainly" wonderful paradox.

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I have never met a single woman who wouldn't rather be met with a choice and suggestion than "where do you want to eat tonight?"

Because a strong minded, non-retarded woman as you like to put it will tell you what she wants to do.

I don't know about you guys, but MY JOB entirely revolves around asking people closed, open or biased questions. It is FACT that humans prefer to choose from option than free prompted choice.

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I have never met a single woman who wouldn't rather be met with a choice and suggestion than "where do you want to eat tonight?"

Because a strong minded, non-retarded woman as you like to put it will tell you what she wants to do.

I don't know about you guys, but MY JOB entirely revolves around asking people closed, open or biased questions. It is FACT that humans prefer to choose from option than free prompted choice.

You've just contradicted yourself (and sort of proved my point), so I'm done.

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I literally typed out a reply in here that predicted how long it would take for you to go down that route. I didn't post it, because I thought I'd look like a bit of a knob if you didn't. Then again, it was pretty much FACT that you'd believe you were the only one in the conversation who deals with humans, or women.

Chill out my man, this isn't one of those conversations you need to 'win'.

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I don't know about you guys, but MY JOB entirely revolves around asking people closed, open or biased questions.

And that's why I couldn't do your job (morally) =]

I agree that retards pick from choices better than if they are given a free reign, though.

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I hate it when she thinks half of a thought and confronts me with the other half expecting me to f**king understand what she's talking about.

I hate it when she's in front of me during a bike ride talking to me w/o turning her head expecting me to f**king understand what she's saying.

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You've just contradicted yourself (and sort of proved my point), so I'm done.

Now that I am home, and have access to my iPad to type up an actual reply. I'll take five minutes to tell you why you are actually wrong yourself.

Sam originally posted that he doesn't like it when he asks his girlfriend "what do you want to eat?" And she replies with "I don't know." Followed by the general discussion of forcing the other party (we won't say woman, because you never know with Sam) to make a decision with almost no input on suggestions or recommendations of where he might like to eat.

My response was that he was actually the problem, and that every woman wants a man who makes decision for them. Clearly basing this on my own partners, and experiences with women.

Where I take issue is what follows next, with your reply. Saying things like "my girlfriend, not being an idiot..." Specifically putting punctuation prior to expressing that your girlfriend specifically is not an idiot doesn't like being "told what to do."

This is the problem.

You have misunderstood decision making, for being told what to do.(I will address that shortly.)

But more importantly, and regardless of whatever defence you try to put up you most certainly have...implied that my own partner IS an idiot. But simply because you, being an idiot have misconstrued what having a decision made for you, and being told what to do are.

Poor form I say. And quite insulting, as per previous efforts at this point I decided you can go f**k yourself but neither had the time or implements to form my replies in less than a sentence.

So, down to the bones of this matter. You can't understand why having a decision made for you, and being told what to do are different.

Let's run the scenario...

Man: "We're going to go for dinner tonight at Pizza Express."

(This signposts two things, your intention to go out for dinner tonight, and your intention to go to Pizza Express.)

Possible outcomes from the partner are as follows;

Partner option 1: "Oh ok, I'll go get ready."

Partner option 2: "I don't really fancy Pizza Express."

Partner option 3: "I don't really fancy Pizza Express. Can we go to Nandos?"

Partner option 4: "I don't really fancy going out."

Asking questions in this fashion forces the other person to make a decision. And as I read it a lack of decisiveness is the issue here for Sam?

To force that person to make a decision, you shut the f**k up and do not speak once you have "asked" the initial statement. (I am using the word statement, because it's been pointed out below and I needed to add this so people who don't know how this work, can know how it works to try it.)

If the partner goes with option 2 or 3 you have one vital bit of information you had before, and half your questions asked. You know she would like to go out, but not where you suggested. Following option 2, you can reply with your own suggestions or signposting again a confirmation she would like to go out, but where would she choose? What type of food?

If we revert that question around.

Man: "What do you want for dinner?"

(Possible replies for the indecisive partner in the conversation are infinite.)

Because it is an open question, commitment is harder to gain.

Asking closed questions categorically is a trait that will redeem more success when you ask questions. And absolutely does make you come across as more decisive, enthusiastic, and quite importantly confident, which in turn makes you factually more attractive to women.


To put this into context, on a daily basis I make decisions for people simply be asking them questions which they have to give me a choice answer to.

"So, I have a couple of slots Thursday. What suits you best AM or PM?" Followed by, stfu until they speak.

"So, I have got the right car, assuming I can put a great package together and get the car within our budget I'm sure you'd like to go with the deal?" Followed by, stfu until they speak.

"Brilliant, and which specification do you prefer, the X or the Y?" Followed by, stfu until they speak.

All questions which asked different serve absolutely no benefit to the other party in a decision making way, but could still be used as polite conversation.

I would never tell any partner what they were going to do, I'm not a fanny. But as a few people in this forum, and in lots of other circumstances you maybe aren't familiar with there are people who can make decisions for people simply be making them make the decision for themselves through positive reinforcement and asking questions.

It's science.

So pipe down chum, because you simply misunderstood what I was saying in a very large way and went off the rails about it dropping petulant and unkind remarks about my current distance from my girlfriend, and most offensively that she may well be in some way mentally impeded. Which given my troubled upbringing I find incredibly unnecessary and genuinely offensive.

With that in mind, I offer you a virtual fist pump and I'll go < that way and if you want to go > that way I think we'll all live to tell the tale some other time with no harm done.

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"We are going to to go for dinner tonight at Pizza Express" is not a question it's a statement.

True but also not true.

I say to customers all the time "We're going to go out for a quick test drive and see if you like the car."

I've made a statement, signposted my next actions.

As a responsible and reasoned person, they know what I want. And if they don't want to, they can say "well actually I don't want to, what I want to do is..."

And so follows the conversation.

I see roughly 45 customers a month that I test drive, I say that exact sentence to every single one of them, and have done for the past 7 years.

Let's round it down and say that's 3500 people.

Not one has ever questioned it or taken offence because I'm "telling them what to do."

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Is it time for a "Things that piss you off about salespeople" thread yet? If only a world existed where people could buy instead of being sold to. Yes, I know you'll say that some people wouldn't know what they wanted unless they were sold to and no, I don't agree – what you learned at 'Sales For Successful People 101' is not equivalent to a lifelong devotion to the human psyche, through academia or otherwise. Without being too rude, you are 'just' a car salesman, for 'just' a car brand. 'Just' in this context is not meant to mean inferior in any way, it is meant to explain that there are gazillions of you (yes, just as there are gazillions of internet marketers out there) and it's not that hard. It does not give you the right to either brag about your very average* wage (which is probably more than mine) or some sort of bargaining chip to win every argument. I think what's happened here is the usual situation where you've said something for shock value, and it's come out slightly wrong. People have called you out on it, and instead of going "Yea, actually what I meant was 'apples can be red or green, and sometimes pink' instead of 'all apples are red, because my apple is red'" you decide to plummet head first down a tunnel which only leads to you looking like a moron – whether you're right or wrong.

It's amazing how quickly people can take threads off topic.

In an effort to get back on topic, which I know is an effort in vain:
The thing that my wife does which most pisses me off on a day to day basis is assuming there's some sort of hidden meaning behind what I am saying at any given moment. It's a small thing, but it's something which can get very annoying in the wrong frame of mind.

*average according to my scale of not including anyone who works in the public sector, or not at all.

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I had this epiphany on this very same forum a few years ago. One day I wrote out a massive reply to proove a point to someone, then I thought hang on, I could just close the browser tab and not bother.

And then eventually that gave way to simply not even bothering to type them out...

And then I didn't even care...

I like to post to share advice or ideas or discuss things, but if you fall out with someone or have a major mis-match in view points, why not just walk away? Jardo, what did that massive post contribute to your life? Did it bring anything positive to it? Or is it just fuelling something which is having a negative effect?

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When did I say it was a question?

I said it was a question when I said "asking people questions in this way."

I realise this now.

I am right though, and if Matthew hadn't of been such a petulant bell end of epic getting in my tits proportions this discussion wouldn't be happening.

I had this epiphany on this very same forum a few years ago. One day I wrote out a massive reply to proove a point to someone, then I thought hang on, I could just close the browser tab and not bother.

And then eventually that gave way to simply not even bothering to type them out...

And then I didn't even care...

I like to post to share advice or ideas or discuss things, but if you fall out with someone or have a major mis-match in view points, why not just walk away? Jardo, what did that massive post contribute to your life? Did it bring anything positive to it? Or is it just fuelling something which is having a negative effect?

Phoarrrrr, I like it!!!!

Last sentence is a cracker.

What you have potentially inadvertently done, or maybe incredibly cleverly is exactly what I do to people and was talking about in my post.

Your words have altered my decision making to thinking exactly like you are.

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Jardo, why so angry? Calm the f**k down. People are allowed to call your girlfriend an idiot. It's an opinion, and as you make everyone here aware all the f**king time, you have one too about pretty much everything. Threatening to glass someone over some words they've said? Really? What if someone decided that she was worse than an idiot, possibly even a f**king douchebag, would you go on a murderous rampage, slaying everyone in the pub and drinking a soup made by mixing Jager with the soft jelly from their eyes?

Seeing as you appear to have chosen to dissect my post so seriously, I'd best explain. I was joking. She's not that indecisive. She's also not a pet, so I'm not going to tell what she's going to eat.

Another pretty amusing thread de-railed by your obsession with pointing out what other people need to do differently, and wording it in such a way that provokes a massive discussion about it. Top f**king form.

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If I spoke to my girlfriend and said "we are going to blah blah blah for dinner", she would probably tell me to get f**ked. Not ALL girls are that way inclined to be incapable of making decisions themselves and having to have the man do everything. Don't be such a chauvinistic pig!

And also, the whole salesman thing. f**k that. Nobody would persuade me to buy a car I didn't want. They have tried before, and failed massively. I'm not a mug :P

Keeping it on topic...she peels the lid off the milk and just leaves it on the side. Buys me chocolate sometimes (perhaps birthday/Christmas), and if I don't eat it within a set amount of time, she just eats it herself, like it has some kind of time limit on it. ANNOYING!!!!

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