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The scale model thread? Tamiya/ air fix/ etc


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Made a model for the first time in years today- Tamiya Ferrari f40. Some slight paint inconsistencies on the exterior, so I thought, f**k it; the cars going to be a wreck. Used brown and black on a dry brush to create the streaks. Also used some pliars on the wing to complete the look. Anyone else got any scale models from their youth/ now? I forgot how entertaining it is.









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Sweet! I started the F40 last year but haven't been able to properly sit down get and it finished but here's some WIP photos.


























And I finished this 916 last year for my Dads birthday present. http://imgur.com/a/gzvip Real happy how it turned out. WIP photos of that here http://postimg.org/gallery/b4mni6wg/. I have about 15 other car/motorbike kits in my backlog that I'll eventually get round to.

Edited by weirdoku
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And there's me with my badger100GF running on an air on demand ebay compressor!

I did rig up a tank/plenum of sorts from some 2" steel threaded pipe and fittings tealeafed from work but in reality it doesn't work like a proper tank because of how the pressure switch in the compressor is set. Do you know if they're typically adjustable? As it is you set the pressure by the regulator and it switches off a few psi above that :(

The badger is awesome though, absolutely leagues above the chinese clones I had before!

I don't do much scale modelling as such (I do have an A10-A that is half completed and has been for ages :D ) but play 40k so most of my painting is 28mm tabletop :)

Some of my deathwing, also got a finished land raider but no pictures yet.



Some of my tyranids.

With a cat!





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I'm loving the creatures- any weathering tips, I know very little, did the brown in the way id imagine dirt to travel on a car, windshield obviously no dirt where the wiper goes. Oil streaks the same, dry brushing. Little specs were done by "flicking" the brush off the side of the paint pot, creating the dots. Probably has a name. Scratches were done by painting the body silver, then yellow, then swiping very coarse sandpaper along it to rub away the yellow and crest the scratching (yes I know the f40 is carbon so there'd be no metal but artistic liscense bro)

I'm loving the creatures- any weathering tips, I know very little, did the brown in the way id imagine dirt to travel on a car, windshield obviously no dirt where the wiper goes. Oil streaks the same, dry brushing. Little specs were done by "flicking" the brush off the side of the paint pot, creating the dots. Probably has a name. Scratches were done by painting the body silver, then yellow, then swiping very coarse sandpaper along it to rub away the yellow and crest the scratching (yes I know the f40 is carbon so there'd be no metal but artistic liscense bro)

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Runs down to a second reg, water trap reg runs at 50psi, second reg runs anywhere between 15-25 depending on the media..


My last kit, currently building the tamiya Lotus 25 Coventry Climax, but that's a long way off..


Annoyingly I ruined that kit fitting the wipers. I fitted them then blew a tiny amount of oxide brown in onto the blades of the wipers which dripped and sat on the bonnet.

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You guys are giving me space envy, I own my three bedroom house and I have to do all my painting/modelling/computer stuff in a 43" square walk in cupboard! My painting area is about 7" x 15" and that includes the airbrush stand (compressor is on the shelf below fortunately :)

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Ahah the fact I found a tryall snail can on my workspace while trying to find glue for my model shows how much space I have.... :P

You guys are giving me space envy, I own my three bedroom house and I have to do all my painting/modelling/computer stuff in a 43" square walk in cupboard! My painting area is about 7" x 15" and that includes the airbrush stand (compressor is on the shelf below fortunately :)

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Project "make a compressor tank" has begun :)

The pressure switch in the back of my compressor head is 45psi on 57psi off so realistically it isn't going to take long for the compressor to kick back in.

Picked up a pressure switch from one of the fitters as "spare" van stock, its a telemecanique XML B010A2S11, about 170 quids worth from what I can gather :o

8.25-109psi on 10.2-145 psi off should cover the range I need, got to disconnect the current switch, wire this beast in and get it all connected onto the tank. So far my tank consists of a short length of 2" gas pipe closed off with fittings and a drain tap, each 450mm length of pipe will give me a litre volume of air which at 60 psi is a touch over 4litres - how long will 4 litres of air last? Could probably pump it up to 80psi for 5.5litres if the little thing will manage it :)

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