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Jack Carthy - Hope MTB


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Jack was lent this Orange 5 Hope specced bike to make this video on. done over the last sort of month. Its been the most fun and entertaining video ive ever made.

Locations in the video are our usual local riding areas like Shipley Glen, Haworth, Penistone Hill.

He would like to thanks all of his sponsers:





Racing Line

Cross King

Urge Bike



Abbey Stone

Red Bull


Jacks website...http://www.jackcarthytrials.com/



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Really really good riding the things he did in that video are unreal for that bike he is definitely something else!

I do find for someone of Jacks level and riding a product of Hopetech that the video lacked professionalism in terms of quality and filming, no offence to anyone on that one but perhaps if homemade sort of videos are going to be the case for Jack then he might be best investing in a better camera / equipment.

Would love to see a video of Jack doing "A hill in Spain" kind of thing!

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I'm no professional photographer or anything so that's probably why it's not professional to you guys! He had the bike for a month so was limited time really.

But haters gonna hate. Haha

Also as for the quality it's in 1080.. If anyone can find better quality then please send it my way, would like to know where it's been hiding.

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Quality isn't all about resolution. If you are using a DSLR might be worth learning about exposing correctly against bright skies.

Also nice short/sock/shoe combo from Jack there...

Awesome riding though, especially considering the weight of Fives!

Edited by AndrewEH1
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