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Trouble bleeding a Hope Mono trial.


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I've been trying to bleed my Hope mono trial brake (Older model, probably around 05) following this video...

I've ran into a probem in that when I pull the lever in with the bleed valve open and then lock the valve and release the lever, it appears that the fluid level in the lever reservoir isn't dropping and no fluids being pumped through, anyone got any potential remedies for this?



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As above, open the bleed valve fully and let some dot drip out. If nothings happening pump the brake once with the bleed valve open and then start bleeding the brake again according to the video.

That's probably not the proper technique but it worked for me when I had a similar problem and had to flush the system and bleed it from scratch. You do use a bit more dot fluid but that's what worked for me.

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Think I have finally got to the bottom of this, upon taken the whole system apart I realised that when I pump the lever with it not attached to the hose but with the reservoir full of oil the oil isn't even pumping through, upon trying to take the lever apart I also realised that the lever reach allen bolt is rounded off, which is a bit of the nightmare, I suspect that a piece of the rubber diaphram which was admittedly degrading a bit has got into the inner workings of the lever and blocked it up. Next step is to figure out how to get past my rounded off allen bolt.

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Try the bleed screw open fully and press the lever in and out loads, really loads and just when you start loosing your temper the oil should flow.

just keep trying it can take 5-10 mins sometimes.

If that doesn't work your seal in the lever is split or damaged.

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Finally managed to bodge my way around the problem, what I think has happened is a part of the rubber diaphragm has lodged between the lever piston and reservoir and blocked the flow, I got around this by bleeding it directly through the hose where the lever attaches and then filling the lever with fluid and carefully putting it back on, I then filled the reservoir and tried the brake and it's working again, better than it was before.

Massive bodge but oh well it works, thanks for all the advice.


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