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Frame testing/reviews


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When a new Moto trials bike is brought out and arrives in the UK T&MX usually have a rider testing them. When I used to read T&MX it used to be Woody Hole from Hope tech.

I also seem to remember tribalzine used to do this with a selection of bikes and riders and do reviews on each frame/bike.

I see a lot of topics for riders unsure about what frame's to buy or how things might ride, I thought that have set rider to test out mod frames, one for stock frames and one for street frames might be a cool idea for riders to read up on new releases.

I know this might be costly as once a frame has been built up it then sells cheaper but how out of the question would this be? Tartybikes bring out new frames all of the time and the descriptions tell you what upgrades and tweaks to each frame comes with which is cool but when a totally new frame comes out and is a huge change in geo to its rivals people want to know how it rides etc..

I also know that on tartybikes you can review products, I just feel that if the same person rides each frame and has something to compare to then it would make a better review, I also feel that reading a review from a rider with a reputation would be far better.

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I completely agree.

I used to read Trialsmag every month and they would have a review of a different motor trials each month - and then occasionally a push trials bike.

Obviously it would be great, however the major problem is that we don't really have demo bikes in push trials - it would be good for tarty to do this but obviously they would then loose money on each demo bike.

So as great as it would be; with the sport so small it's hard to make it feasible for every frame.

It would be cool to get more in depth reviews from the people riding the proto's maybe?

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I'm not suggesting every frame as most frames are just upgrades of the previous model and its not worth a review but some have totally different Geo's and it can leave riders feeling unsure about them etc. . .

Especially the new frames this week,

The B1K3 and the Ozonys.

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Bike testing within the cycle industry is a joke and is always biased to one or another company. The issue is that test would have to be by a person who was rediculously good to appreciate the subtle changes between geo etc and unbiased to a company or shop. Freelance pro would be a better way of putting it.

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