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Short Film? - Whos intrested?


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I live in the London area and can travel up to an hour on the train

I'd like to make a short film or series of films depending on how the first one goes

I want to know whos intrested in riding in it and whos intrested in helping to film/edit or help out?

Anything would be helpfull

Please let me know what you can/would like to do and where abouts you live?



See Comment 18

Edited by Zog
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Ok. It look like we have got alot of intrested could you post:

1. How far you can travel
2. What Bike/Filming Equipment you have

3. Any good locations with pics or without

Then im going to try and find the best location for everyone

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They didn't really mention them filming though, which I think might be what Jake was angling at - were you offering to film people or are you just acting as a kind of intermediary where you'll find people who want to/have the means to film, and then riders who want to be filmed?

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Ok let me redo this,

I would like to make a short film of a mixture of riders at some point during the summer. At the moment I am organising it so I would like to know what you would like to do your options are filming or riding or spectating,

I would like to know from you: 1. What you want to do?

2.What bike or filming equipment you have?(If Applies)

3.Where you are and how far you can travel

4.Any good locations?

At the moment I am looking at Barrow Farm.

To clarify I do have my own camera Im just letting lots of people get involved in all aspects!

Sorry for confusing people!

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