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Sprocket to hub issue


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I was out riding yesterday when I lost power to the drivetrain- I would pedal but I wouldn't go anywhere. Obviously, my first thought was the echo sl freewheel, and after extensive checking, turned out to be fine. I then, off the bike, started pedalling and noticed the rear sprocket was rotating too. (f**k) fearing stripped hub threads, I removed the sprocket and found... Stripped hub threads. Luckily, I had put the sprocket on with the flange outwards and a spacer at the end of the threads, which I removed and turned the sprocket around so it sits on the good threads, and it still works. How common is stripping hub threads? I fear the twit who had this during it's "stolen" period f**ked it over.

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I'd get a new hub if I where you, sounds like you haven't got much thread contact.

Happens with older hubs to be honest, not a lot you can do about it. I've not had one strip but I did have a rear sprocket split open once which was weird.

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Free dental then. Still not worth the possible face plant.

I'm not stupid enough to ride it like it is! I just was showing how annoying it is that I have to wait at least 4 months before I can buy another hub... I'm in the middle if exams and do t get pocket money or whatever it's called.


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What exams? There's loads of time between gcse's for you to scrape money together. Sell something you don't use anymore maybe

I unfortunately am stupid enough to do scholarships at the same time, and the onza is literally the only thing besides my phone and clothes I own
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Surely if you had time outside of exams to ride, you've got time to do some odd jobs and scrape some cash together?

This, quit whinging.

If you don't have time to make the money, you wouldn't have the time to ride.

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I am not riding it at the minute, I had a to on it when I finally had it returned to me and that's when the hub threads got stripped. I have a feeling it was tampered with during it's "stolen" period, and therefore why the hub was stripped so quickly, it's quite a new hub. Either way, this post was made to ask how quickly hubthreads are stripped, so I could feel safe with whatever knowledge I was given. It probably was just little thread contact, as dr.stix said. Wasn't a branded sprocket. I have no time to ride during this exam period and I'm afraid I got carried away with what sounds like angry retorts to reasons why I can't get the money to replace it. Apologies. If you know anyone who has a rear 116mm disc hub going very cheap, as in ten pounds or less, (probably could scrape that) then please contact me, thanks. The hub is/was a tryall "h" if anyone is Interested.

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