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Onza Ska? Good bike for street trials?


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I have just purchased an Onza Ska but I am starting to wonder if this is the right bike for street trials?

I am completely new and spent a few hours researching but didn't ask on the forums

So is this good for street trials?

General Specs: (Fat Back Wheel) 20" No Seat

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If you're thinking about the "street trials" danny macaskill does, then no that's not the "right bike".

I presume that you are a beginner? If so, starting off on a 20" onza (like you have) is a really really good base to learn the basics on! Way better to learn the basics on a 20" bike and then move onto a 24" inspired like Danny macaskill have.

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heres a tip, dont rush into street straight away. stay and learn everything with "pure" trials and after a year or so, start adding some variation to your riding. that way it'll be a lot easier, at least it has been from my experience :)

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Go to videos section and search for a rider called Stan Shaw

He does 'pure' trials(with some extra moves)

Ali C does street trials

Stay with ska

I rushed and i wish i would stayed...

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Just ride it. Not being funny but if all you know about trials bikes is that they have fat back tyres, then it doesn't matter what kind of trials bike you've got.

Learn how to back hop and ride up walls, then as you ride more and watch more videos and go on rides you'll start to learn about the sport, then you'll know what bike you need. For a beginner it's perfectly fine.

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