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Righty, I thought I may aswell learn a trick I should've learned decades ago, but never got around to it. The clips you see were my actual first and second attempts. The technique is to extend your legs but I find that that doesn't actually bring the nose back up? Dropping the nose is easy

I get the feeling the videos not going to work


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As with anything, keep practicing. You will not learn them over a day.

When you got the feel for them you can try bunny to manual on a curb and work your way up from there.

Bent your knee`s and don`t stand up to much. That way you can kick out yout legs when you tend to drop the front wheel and bent them a little more when you fall backwards.

A decent rear brake will help you aswell while learning them.

Good luck

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There are some important things you have to do, if you want to learn manuals so good that you could theoretically hold them infinitely (if the parking lot was endlessly long and your legs wouldn't get tired :D)

1. The first thing I figured out when learning them was that you have to look where you're going. (especially DON'T look on your bike!) In the beginning you will most likely roll where you look.
2. Don't use your rear brake for balancing, just use it to get the front back down if you would fall over on your back.. like a safety brake
3. Once you can pull the front up properly, start focusing on balancing left and right with your knees (not bars). It's important to learn that before you try to hold them as long as possible, because you would fall either left or right all the time. Get your knees out to the sides pretty far, the wider you have them, the easier it is to balance.
4. When you can balance left and right, start trying to cover certain distances. E.g. from a line in the parking lot to a gully cover. Just do that with longer and longer distances or whatever is fun to you and you will get better and better and start to control where you're going.. it just takes it's time.

Do not try to learn them when it's windy... wind is your worst enemy when manualing >_<

You will also feel your balance point getting lower and lower the more you improve.. Your final balance point will be pretty low.. I even sometimes touch my back wheel with my butt while balancing.. and it like brakes the rear and lowers the front.. not cool :D but happens sometimes

If you want to know what the balance point should look like, just watch chad kerley... probably the most perfect manuals technique you'll see. Ali C and Danny Mac are perfect examples too.

This is the WRONG technique for balancing longer and it also doesn't look so good:

Have Fun :)

Edited by Max F
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My favorite move, check this video, and if you can slo-mo it, it might help you :wink2:


The lady with the dog at 2:10 has very nice posture. Video was nice, very chill

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