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Echo Pure Ti

Ross McArthur

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So, once again, some of you may have seen these clips. I've been pottering around trying to find locations I can sit my iPhone on its side to film the clips - I've not even used a tripod, mostly walls and bollards. A couple of the clips I've had to film twice because the wind had blown over my phone. Fml.

I've also just downloaded a free app to edit together the clips so excuse how raw it all is..

Frames about to shit the bed, so thought I'd get an edit out before it does.

Watching the clips back there's a few things I want to work on. Popping up to back wheel for example. It annoys me how quickly I do it. Almost like I'm loosing control, nearly looping out.. Probably over thinking things. Anyway, let me know your thoughts. Ta.

Also, that last clip I was trying to be street. I suck balls. Edited by Ross McArthur
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Line@ 3.25....you naughty man! Proper street vid. Smooth as hell too. I love the fact you went back and re-done the side hop on the sloped wall,nothing worse than trying a line and it not being as inch perfect as you wanted. Fair play on that!

Get another one out!

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Ahh Glasgow, unlimited possibilities.

Good one Ross ! The last hop at 1:35 was over intentionally ? Funny how there is someone at the window watching (?)

Not at all! I missed it completely and punctured my front tube! That person in the window looks like they're wanking off! In reality it was a kind woman who offered to film for me because she noticed I was struggling with setting up my phone.

Great riding, really nice style. Your sidehops seem to be rather disproportionate to the remaining moves though, unusual. Are you a BMX rider?

Thanks man but no, I'm not a BMX'r at all. Never really been a fan of riding BMX's. Ill happily watch BMX edits all day long as inspiration and just for how generally awesome they are to watch compared to most trials videos but never rode them. What makes you say that anyway? Edited by Ross McArthur
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I liked this, you have a nice style ! Also i couldn't tell what you were on about saying you looked out of control popping to back, i thought it looked fine man :) Also those spots look pretty cool !


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Thanks man but no, I'm not a BMX'r at all. Never really been a fan of riding BMX's. Ill happily watch BMX edits all day long as inspiration and just for how generally awesome they are to watch compared to most trials videos but never rode them. What makes you say that anyway?

Just a random guess. You've got a lot of flow and seem to excel at rolling moves. Usually trials riders are the opposite unfortunately :P

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Amen! I've never tried my bars upside down but the thought of it gives me the boak. Guys like Carthy (and more recently I noticed Dave Kerr) riding their bars like that, really suit them for the style they have but it's just not for me.

As for the side hops, I think they were the last thing I ever got the hang of back when I started out riding and never really got into doing them all the time as there was so many other lines to be had with other moves, not just one single wall to boon up.

Thanks for the positive responses. :)

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