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Psychological Effects Of Working Alone?


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I'm not afraid of being around people, that doesn't bother me at all I just stay silent as I can't think of anything to talk about. It's not like being on your own in a box for 12hrs is packed with exciting adventures to discuss.

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What should he do instead? Whining on TF? How will it help him? There are no need to be psychiatrist to solve "problems" like that. Also I want to ask, how many books on psychiatry you read? Freud, Jung, Adler, Fromm at least?

Adler was more into sociology but I suppose its similar. I guess my point was that you're answer was like opening a walnut with a shotgun. Technically you're right but a little finesse would have been better. My suggestion would be to get involved with activities that will push you into more social situations. Have you considered doing a bit of charity work?
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interesting lecture regarding this would be from Ulrich Stangier and David M. Clark,theres a book about social phobia from them.

jung,freud and so on would be more analytic (development of the human mind and evolution of it)approaches and wouldnt fit the bill here imo

Edited by FamilyBiker
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If you have time on your hands -meditation is a brilliant tool And one so many people overlook simply because they expect results right away-And because so many people are impatient simply give up .

Sounds like your living in a fear based mode-If your getting all feary of places -just ask your self

why am i being scared?

are you thinking up things that have not even happend-negitive thinking ?

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I dont talk to many people because the majority of the pople i come in to cantact with are completely engrosed in sports-tv-celebs-fashion and culture.I cant bare small talk or chit chat Its like poison for my mind.

When i come in to contact with people who care about the important things in life conversations flow with ease for hours and hours

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Sounds like you need a good night out with your mates dude.

Do you play pool? Get down the pub with your mates and have a catch up over a few bevies. Thats if you have mates you can do this with?

Or if you really struggling with this, then start to go out pubs alone. Bring a newspaper, buy a beer, sit in a corner and have a read. if you feel like you want to talk then do it, if not, then dont. At the next "reading" talk to one or two guy, and so on. thats what I did, and it helped me a lot :)

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I had a spell of this after spending most of my time at home alone while recovering from surgery. In the short term I think reading the news while at work will help. A couple of sites/ papers aimed at different audiences would be good like the sun and telegraph for example. It will keep you connected to the outside world and give you a decent mix of stupid but banter worthy stories to share as well as some info to start a decent thought provoking conversation. This helped me, particularly as I don't follow football, celeb gossip, TV programmes, pop music ect that are often topics of small talk.

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I went through a phase of reading books but got bored of it as I struggled to find stuff in the library that interested me.

I'm starting to find (from experiences since I started this thread) that a lack of exercise is playing a major part in this. When I'm on my block of 4 days doing 12hrs I get home, help put the kids to bed then generally lounge about for an hour or so before going to bed myself (as I've been up since half 5) so I pretty much go all those days without any exercise whatsoever as I'm too tired to do anything in the evening. The days I have off or even when I'm on nights I at least get the afternoon to maybe go for a walk or spend an hour out the back on my bike and I feel awesome for it. This morning I went for a walk around a nearby reservoir with the wife, kids and mother in law. As a result the boys are knackered and get grumpy so have been playing up a bit this afternoon but I'm still feeling quite happy now I've got to work ready to face another shift.

I'm hoping, with these lighter evenings, to try and squeeze in a quick half hour on my bike after work even if it's every other day to keep myself going. I've set myself a few personal goals in terms of the standard of my riding to spur me along so hopefully that'll make a difference.

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Or if you really struggling with this, then start to go out pubs alone. Bring a newspaper, buy a beer, sit in a corner and have a read. if you feel like you want to talk then do it, if not, then dont. At the next "reading" talk to one or two guy, and so on. thats what I did, and it helped me a lot :)

I used to do after a long shift of working in a pub, I found it so peaceful, just sat there, me and a pint with the paper. Nobody bothered me, it was bliss.

I work roughly the same kind of shift pattern as Dave, and nights on your own can get very lonely and bored. Sleep patterns do have a lot to do with it though, sleep deprivation is the worst kind of torture out there. Its so bad being that tired you could fall asleep any instant, but can't because of the job.

Edit: next time I'm over your way Dave, we'll have to get out for a ride

Edited by bing
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I work 12-18 hours a day chatting to people all day (kinda mandatory) which makes me not want to communicate with any other human being for as long as possible in between. So working with the brainless masses is just as bad in that respect!

Edited by Jolfa
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