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Hover Boards

Sam Nichols

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Luke. The coverup is, in itself, a coverup. They know that the world isn't ready for the tech, so Funny Or Die stepped up to take the fall and say they'd made it as a hoax.

The only person falling for anything here is you.


Sometimes, there is more than one troll.

Sorry Sam for going off topic again. To answer your question, clearly they'll change the world for the better, but only when people are ready.

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I once invented something as world changing as this. I even had my invention made into small scale production and approached loads of companies about it. They all said I was an idiot.

It was a tie that had a slit cut into the back of it which was double stitched. So you could simply button the inside of your tie to your shirt to stop your tie flapping around.

I still have some. I think they are AMAZING.

Edited by Pashley26
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I once invented steel retaining brackets to keep you on the toilet in cases of more forceful and intense shitting.

No one believed in this as well.

For the ties: I'd buy if I would still wear ties.

Usable business clothing > hover board hoaxes for sure.

Currently business submission clothing only serves to make you stiff and

act with awful mannerism, often mistaken for elegance.

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I invented a kettle that under the hole you pour out of is another hole that the drippy stuff falls into that goes back into the kettle. I'm still waiting to hear back from the Fragons.

Not even going to fix that typo til they write back to me.

Edited by bikeperson45
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I am so gutted right now I can't put it into words!

And to top it off that was better than mine, I spend 18 months every night in my shed hand making the rivets and gun componants. Then every other night, then once a week, then quit because I couldn't make the parts I needed.

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So you think this new technology which is ground breaking and evolutionary, would be used first as a hoverboard, which is a toy? You don't think that this would have been sold to the military for use on a grander scale than some mook hovering around on a hoverboard.

Just confirmed, it was Funny or Die that made this.

they would need to prove it worked first before the miltary used it. last thing they would want is for it to fail on the battle field!!

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it is just me who got it that it is a joke, or this forum is full of guys who truly believes that hover board is possible, and wants a real life solution, so they got angry from a joke?

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it is just me who got it that it is a joke, or this forum is full of guys who truly believes that hover board is possible, and wants a real life solution, so they got angry from a joke?

Seemed to me like a joke until I finished reading the first page, some people "pretended" to take this way too seriously.

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