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Twenty Six

Sam Nichols

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Some impressive back-of-fork-leg denting courtesy of that subrail.

Stockwell park line was a beast though, as I've said to you before Sam!

Pity there were no clips of the fiver-vagina but you can't win 'em all I guess.

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Awesome video sam!! Your bike is hating life haha

Cheers, Joe! The Arcade loves it, just keeps screaming for more! As always it's the Hope branded parts that keep wimping out on me!

Stockwell park line was a beast though, as I've said to you before Sam!

Pity there were no clips of the fiver-vagina but you can't win 'em all I guess.


Did we even get a photo of the fiver-vagina?!

Here's my formal request for a full length solo video! :)

I'll try my best dude... Time is running out for me though.

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Watched quite a few videos from that website. It's weird how oldschool has become the new school, if that's the right way to put it.

Bike trials has clearly evolved in such a direction that it's made room for this kind of riding to return not just on it's own, but along with the type of bikes that were used 10-20 years ago. So it's ideal really, each of these can evolve on their own and we viewers get double the entertainment in return.

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It's strange really, this type of riding is preeeetty much all I've ever done and a lot of the other guys that feature in my videos are the same. It's just that as trials has been more popular, the newer generations of riders kinda have a choice of path they can take: pure or street. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground really. I think in many ways the oldschool style is proving to be very popular because it's far more accessible than pure trials. The bikes are less daunting and more practical, a lot of the moves can be perfected faster than learning to do trials moves, it's generally regarded as 'cooler'. That kind of thing.

I still think newer riders would be much better off learning to ride trials before they learn to do footjam whips, but that's always the way.. You go to any skatepark and there will be a kid who can footjam whip a bmx but can hardly bunnyhop.

These photos were taken the year Inspired came out I think haha

It's weird seeing myself on a bike with no seat...



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