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Endless Biketrial Nina & Larena


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here is the new video from Nina and me.

We are both 14 years old and trained last weekend together.

The second video of the weekend you can find on Nina's channel:

We are really happy about likes, shares, comments and tipps for the next videos.

And of course... all subscribers are welcome ;-)

Enjoy it and ride on! :)

Greetings Larena

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Thank you, we will keep it up ;-)

The location is in Germany, that's a motor trial location, but on weekend I always train there.

It's close to cologne. :-)

Cologne as in Köln right?! I'm looking for some locations to ride that are semi close to home, this is about an 2 hr drive. There's no such locations in the netherlands..

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Cologne as in Köln right?! I'm looking for some locations to ride that are semi close to home, this is about an 2 hr drive. There's no such locations in the netherlands..

yeah,holland,the country is flat and the people are high...;)

up here in munich are spots no end but no people to ride with,sucks too.

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yeah,holland,the country is flat and the people are high... ;)

up here in munich are spots no end but no people to ride with,sucks too.

Hah! Flying high always!

I'd drive down to Munich if it wasn't for the 7 hour drive. :x Ouch.

Maybe I should come by for a riding weekend. :')

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Cologne as in Köln right?! I'm looking for some locations to ride that are semi close to home, this is about an 2 hr drive. There's no such locations in the netherlands..

Thank you all ;-)

The location in the video is not impressive.

Here in Germany are so many better locations to ride.

Close to the Netherlands is for example the trial park Stadtlohn, there are only simulated obstacles, but it is really nice to ride there and it's so big...

In spring there is also the north german championship. ;-)

And if you want to train with other people come to our spring jam in march (cologne) - 1st and 2nd in march.

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