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Trial riders adding me on facebook


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So what.. Face book is full of people you don't really know but are face book friend with, trials is a small sport it's nice to try and help it grow.

Im pretty sure in friends with joe on fb to, should I feel special now ?

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I tend to accept everyone (not so much foreign riders) mostly because I assume they're adding me to talk about buying parts etc. Lately though I've started deleting those I don't know as and when they appear in my news feed.

For me it's more a case of not wanting my feed full of 14 year olds, it's a matter of time before questions are asked haha.

I also don't like the idea of my life revolving around trials.

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I accepted a request from a Swedish guy about a year ago. He never posts anything in Englishso I don't have a clue what he's saying but I don't have many friends so I don't want to get rid. Now I think about it the majority of my friends are riders I don't know. I only joined facebook to get involved with the trials scene though so I'm not too bothered.

If I decline they can send another one lol

You should start a fan page though. It would be good when approaching potential sponsors.

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I accepted a request from a Swedish guy about a year ago. He never posts anything in Englishso I don't have a clue what he's saying but I don't have many friends so I don't want to get rid.

Is that me maybe haha? Don't really add much people on facebook though...

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