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Maggie MT4s vs the world


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Recently I had some stuff nicked from my garage and claimed it on insurance, as you do, and was I given some money for a website, www.bikereplacement.co.uk (or something to that effect) by my insurer. I decided that instead of buying a new mountain bike with the money which I probably wouldn't ride, I'd spruce up my zoot. I was planning on getting some 203mm MT2s for it, but because you need to spend ALL of the money on the site OR recieve it ALL in cash minus a bit, I decided to buy some stuff of of the site. If I were to buy MT2s like initially planned, I would end up with money to spare-a right waste- so I bought 2 203mm MT4s, assuming they're better somehow. I am not a disk man, I've only ever dealt with maggies so I just went on the fact they are pretty and white and more expensive, so must be a better product :P

After all of that probably unnecessary background, my question/s is:

What are the differences between MT2s and MT4s? Will I regret this choice? Was it worth it or should I have bought the MT2s and a bottle rack instead? :P

Thanks in advance, Joe.

Edited by onzatpro09
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Well bare in mind that Fourplay's are only covered under warranty with 180 discs as well

I was not aware of that! Don't suppose they'd ever know though.

I might be mistaken but doesn't Ali run a 203 on the back? I suppose he gets new frames given to him or whatever being sponsored and that :P

He might use a 203 now, but he told me once he chose 180 over 203, then again his frame will outlast several Zoots!

Edited by LEON
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