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Hope Mono Trial - lost its power


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Hi guys,

my Hope Mono Trial with 180 mm disk lost its power without an obvious reason. I replaced all seals, pads and disk. Needless to mention the bleeding. It still hasn't regained its original break power.

Any ideas?

Regards Georg

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The copper washers attaching the hose to the caliper on the 90 degree connector could be gone?

I had a very similar problem,cost me time and money, only to discover it was a 5p washer was warped.

Also, it might'nt be warped, the connector nut might have come loose. maybe clean the thread of any of the bolts, dirt or filings can stop agood seal forming

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That sounds like air in the system unfortunately...

You can also try:

- Firstly, clean the disc caliper with a rag so its free of any brake dust and dirt etc.

- Spray or pour some cold, clean water on the rotor. Then ride around slowly while pulsating the brake on and off (1 second on, 1 second off). You don't need to pull the lever very hard, you are basically try to scrub the pads up using the rotor and the water will help clean them.

- Do this for 5 minutes and you will notice the water turn black. Wash this off with water and then repeat the process a few times.

- On the final run, let the brake dry up and it will hopefully be much better.

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I replaced all the seals including master cylinder. I just bled the system once again and I tried the procedure adam described. It's maybe a little better but far from being good.

I checked if both pistons of the caliper move so none got stuck.

I will compare the brake with my mate's brakes to see if I have turned neurotic.

Does the tech lever provide more brake power than the mono? Because I tried one with tech levers yesterday. It is definitely a lot stronger.

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sounds like air in the system or a faulty master cylinder seal.

try hanging the bike up by the front wheel with a zip tie holding the brake on, leave it over night.

in the morning cut the zip tie off and repatedly pull the brake letting go of the lever so it returns quickly., if this works then top up the resovoir

and if this fails then back to a full bleed again

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally I got my brake working again.

What did I do:

After many times bleeding I bled with water. It got a good pressure point but the pistons of the caliper got stuck. So I bled with dot again. I realised I had used dot 4. This time I usd the recommended dot 5.1 and now it works. I am still not shure if it was the fluid or if I just had a buble of air trapped somewhere in the system.

In any case, thanks for your advice.

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