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Hs33 master (lever) piston stuck


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Hello guys :)

At the moment I'm experiencing a strange problem with my Hs33 lever piston.

I'm running a waterbleed and since I bled it last time the lever piston won't return properly when the leverbody is in the sun!

The lever will slowly start to feel harder and harder to pull in the sun (+30°c :) ), and after three or four minutes it will nearly seize up totally whilst retracting, leaving lot's of 'play' in the lever.

I then did a test with a coolpack to see if it really is the lever piston on not the master & slave at the rim causing it, and it is. After being under the coolpack for 30secs it all works fine again..

Did a small video incase I'm not explaining it well enough. And yes, it was edited on my phone...

Anyone know this behaviour and what could be causing it?


Edit: The leverbody does not really feel hot yet when it starts to seize up in the sun.

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That was the beauty of the 04s, you could push the piston out with something long and thin.

Ive tried sanding down the piston before but does anyone sand the inside of the lever too? Use a dremel bit?

Why would you want to do that though? It's the piston that swells not the metal lever body changing shape. If you widen the bore it would just leak as it's not forming a seal?

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Maybe polishing the inside would be a better idea.

I looked into this, apparently if it's too smooth that causes sealing issues.

I have and nearly took my uni mates eye out with the piston haha. Put a cloth over the end to lower the velocity!

Haha. Definitely worth doing, yep.

I don't think there was a nanometer on it. But it's a professionnal one a friend uses at his job.

It may well be a high volume, low pressure system in that case. We've never seen it not possible with a track pump (Y) So it'll be worth a shot.

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