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Magura brake issue


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Hi guys, I've just picked up a bike, its got, I think, an hs33 rear brake, I've just had a go in the garden and it seems a bit spongy, its got a lot of travel too. If I stand on one crank the brake struggles to stop the wheel turning. I've never used mags, but this doesn't seem right, I'm guessing it might need bleeding? I realise it isn't easy diagnosing over the net, but any help much appreciated. Cheers mike

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Just read up on here, did the bath bleed with water, first time and there sound as a pound now, just need to adjust the pads so there square with the rim. ( I hated doing this with v's :0. )

Cheers again

Oh, the tpa screw doesn't really turn, I've read people saying when selling the mag brakes, "tpa works" or similar, so is this what happens when they don't work? Doesn't really matter either way as long as the brakes work, just out of interest? Cheers

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Yeah, it's so you can get the pads closer to the rim without undoing all the clamps, to adjust your bite point. Out of interest what's your setup? Frame/rim/04,05,2011 maggie/pads? Bang a photo up so the trials forum massive can dish out some help. If your frame is visibly flexing, then a booster, either 2 or 4 bolt might be a good investment

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Cheers bing. That makes sense.

I've only just bought it today and its my first trials bike so not sure on some stuff, but from what I can tell its an onza wheel, with a grind. It's a tpro, so I'd imagine its the origianal wheel?? It is a bit of nuisance setting the pads up though, a bit fiddly, like v brakes, I thought id done with all this when I got a disc mtb a few years ago :0

Ps not sure on the year I imagine its the early one

Oh pps. Got sorted with a booster from someone on here so that'll help



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Its an 09 t-pro that dude. The plastic tpas on those levers are shite unless they are brand new anyway. Good news is with a decent bleed they work quite well. Looks like onza lime pads, and deffo get a booster on that frame. Get some different pads though, cos they won't last 2 mins on a grind and they are a bit cack anyway. Plastic backed heatsink yellows or cousts for the win

Edited by bing
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