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profile rear hub problems


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Hi people, my freewheel decided to start slipping the other day, it still bites under half load, but full load it slips :/ also i am unsure of where to source parts from as im not sure which hub it actually is, all i know is that it is profile and the sprocket is splined onto the hub, so the freewheel mech must be inside the hub. I can get pictures of it but my gash windows phone will not let me post them on here so it would be email only :/

Any help or advice etc would be cosmic please, thanks :)

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it does look rather like the profile mini hub tbf.. Your diagnostics would make perfect sense, i did a backhop and it was fine, went to do another backhop and it just started slipping, so hopefully it is just the springs or something simple, hope so because it seems a decent hub to be honest..

Thanks dude

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Profiles seem to be really hit and miss in terms of reliability. I had one on my old Python and ditched it for a front freewheel setup very quickly.
Get it looked at and fixed, and then maybe look at selling it on. They seem to still have a good second hand selling price on them. I managed to get £130 for mine by selling it to a BMXer.

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So finally stripped my hub.. It appears the springs are made from chocolate, new spring and pawl kit ordered, primo ones at that.. £7.99 bargain.. Also sent in a new 12t sprocket for the rear that comes with a spacer and new nut.. New chain for good measure also.. Should cure the problem nicely i hope :)

Edited by rosslittledubber
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