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Red Skye at night, Shepherds delight...

Sam Nichols

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I don't really know why I decided to paint my bike again, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

Points to note; I'm no photographer so the red is actually a bit deeper in real life, I forgot to put my brake on before I took the photo, my dog is awesome.


Also Lucy @ Indiprint made me some cool little stickers..



That is all.

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Cheers, guys!

It's a rattle can/hanging in my garage by a coat hanger type affair. I'm overall happy with the finish, I had issues with bits of crap falling off the roof beams in the garage and on to the wet paint. After a couple of goes at sanding back the offending areas and re-spraying, eventually the reality of the fact that it's a trials bike and will never stay looking nice for long set in.

I'm only running a rear at the moment, yeah. I'm not sure if it's permanent or not really. For now I'm quite comfortable like this and it keeps the front end a little bit lighter, I wouldn't say it's had any kind of dramatic effect on my riding really, I've never been one for up to fronts and stuff so I'm not hindered in that way. It makes riding natural a bit of a pain, but since I'm moving to London soon, I can't say that will be an issue for long :P

Oh yeah, just to clarify, I haven't actually taken my front brake off specifically to give uni-braking a go, I just haven't put the front brake back on because I need a new rotor/pads and I'm trying to be thrifty!! :)

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