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How to hover on backwheel brakeless


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I'm not actually going brakeless but this has always looked interesting. So I tried it today and I can pull up but only hover for a fraction of a second. Can anyone shed any light on this this works and what it supposed to feel like ? Do I just lean forward slightly and press the front pedal ??

Also what is the name of this move in BMX ? I see some guys do it as a stall on the ledge in parks

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It's just about practising to find your centre of balance, you generally hold the front wheel lower than you would with brakes and counter it dropping by putting pressure on the pedals.

The ground needs to be flat or better still slightly sloped so you can use the gravity wanting to roll you back as a counter balance, unless of course you're like Flipp in which case the laws of space and time don't apply!

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It's just about practising to find your centre of balance, you generally hold the front wheel lower than you would with brakes and counter it dropping by putting pressure on the pedals.

The ground needs to be flat or better still slightly sloped so you can use the gravity wanting to roll you back as a counter balance, unless of course you're like Flipp in which case the laws of space and time don't apply!

Okay, Ill just go out and try it. I've got a feeling this will take ages.

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^ That wasn't really encouraging :(

I hate it how good riders make everything look so easy.

Trials takes time, no easy way you just gotta get practising. How long have you been riding? if under about 4 years you won't have it yet.

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Trials takes time, no easy way you just gotta get practising. How long have you been riding? if under about 4 years you won't have it yet.

About 1.5 years. I've long way to go until I can call myself a decent rider.

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FuFanu!!!!! or tail tap (abubaca) / rear bonk .... to be exact pmsl

brakeless fufanu's take time a bollocks of steel for two reasons. I'm never still on a big gap - fuf' or air - fuf'. its like you just kinda dip in to absorb the pressure slower than you normally would and hit what ever you tap lighter so u can over dip then pop up and off at the last sec before you loose balance... i should never be a teacher....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Brakeless = Greater chance of getting hurt. The thing that scares me the most is landing on my backside, it happened before and it hurt like shit. I thought I had broken my ass bone. The doc said it was OK, but to take care as this sort of injury can screw up your spine and leave you a veggie. Hence it's brakes for me. Plus you can learn brakeless with brakes on ... just in case.

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it's only as dangerous as you make it, I get hurt just as much with brakes than I ever did brakeless. You can't just claim it's dangerous just because you did it wrong.

Riding brakeless with brakes is isn't the same. I probably sound like an old record repeating itself but it's true. It's like a sighted person pretending to be blind by shutting their eyes.

To actually go on the back wheel it's a very careful balance of weight and pedal pressure. Facing uphill makes it easier but it's possible on the flat too (and dowhill if you provide some backwards momentum first)

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Brakeless = Greater chance of getting hurt. The thing that scares me the most is landing on my backside, it happened before and it hurt like shit. I thought I had broken my ass bone. The doc said it was OK, but to take care as this sort of injury can screw up your spine and leave you a veggie. Hence it's brakes for me. Plus you can learn brakeless with brakes on ... just in case.

>Brakeless = Greater chance of getting hurt.


Dullness = Greater chance of getting hurt.

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  • 1 month later...

my son learned riding without coaster brake,but its common for childrens bikes to have them.

my coworkers daughter learned with,and none of the 2 can get used to each others bike.

i had a dj/street bike without a front brake before riding trials and it took me ages to get used to a front brake,at first i just didnt use it because i learned pivoting on the front wheel without one.

now that i have a front brake and got used to that i cant pivot on the front wheel as i could before...

its really just what youre adjusted to,i prefer brakes though

edit:topic revival deluxe lol

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Bearing in mind that the age of the solar system is estimated at over 4,000 billion years, I suspect "bumping" a month-old thread matters diddly squat. Going out of your way to point out what you consider to be a "thread bump" is absurd and unnecessary, although it has become something of a fashion on most online forums.

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