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Is that ok use Road stem for trials?


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I want my bike to be very light, i like "extralite roadstem oc", extralight site says it's "rock solid", i like Zipp SL145 carbon stem too i believe it's stiff enought but it's 1.5 times heavier that extralite.

I can't even imagine cracked stem and don't know if it's possible.

Would be good if you will recommend something light too.

Btw i'll have suspension fork (riding street trials) and it's better for stem to have suspension.

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Use it if you like, it's your face not mine.... :wink:

I've seen thick Echo trials specific stems with cracks in the welds. If you're gonna use a super light road stem then that's your risk....Is losing your face worth the few grams you'll save?

Stems are one of the parts that can cause serious injuries if they break.

A Hope stem is pretty minimal but still weighs twice what that one does, some things are TOO light.

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Probably best not, if it's a road bike stem.

Trials is odd because a light bike is great because you need to heft it all over the place, but you need a strong bike to take all the punishment the shock loading deals out.

You're probably best off ditching your suspension though. Watch some videos and see just what people can handle with rigid forks - you don't really need suspension.

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You cant use helium in a bicycle tyre as it leaks through the inner tube. And tests show it to make hardly any difference in weight as compared with air.

Having suspension and then descussing the weight of your stem is about the dumbest thing iv ever known... do you see any trials bikes with suspension? If you think its helping in some way , it isnt...

You could run a cast iron stem and still be lighter if you get some proper forks.. or just buy a trials bike... or if you're a troll'a'lol then FU...

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i оnlу knоw thаt i'vе triеd rigid fоr еnоught оf timе аnd i dоn't likе it, dоn't likе еvеn drор frоm 10сm hеight.

аnd уеs i'vе sееn triаls bikеs with susреnsiоn, motоs fоr ехаmрlе.

btw mу fоrks will wеights undеr 1.5kg.

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What has suspension got to do with dropping 10cm... your doing it all wrong... my entire frame weighs less than those suspension forks.

I think you have serious mental retardation . You should land on the back, you can do it without a front wheel... so suspension is useless..

And yeah, motorcycle trials bikes have suspension. ... but yours isnt a motorcycle. ..

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