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Avro Vulcan bomber


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Don't know wether any of you boys are interested, I was at donny airport with my lad, tonight to watch the only surviving Vulcan bomber coming in to land, and it did a full bore fly past. Didnt expect that at all, it was Epic. So loud, and the smell of jet fuel is Intoxicating. I'm well into old planes and general war stuff like that, the engineering and craftsmanship is amazing. Not considering its nearly 54 years old and still flying. A little vid below

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It wasn't full throttle or anything bit that thing is awesome! Unfortunately well never see it at it's limits because of the preservation of the airframe but massive respect to the efforts that go out to the teamwork put in to fly this thing, seen it's fly twice myself and will be seeing it for the third time this year makes me really proud to be British.

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Have you read 'Vulcan 607' which was the long range bomber which reached the Falklands against all odds? They ran those at 110% throttle and not on full tanks just to get the payload off the deck!

But ye its a shame I don't remember seeing one in the sky making tonnes of noise, my dad insists they were at an air show I was at when I was very little.

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They used to be based near my home, so I used to get to see it fly past for most airshows when I was a kid.

Such a beautiful thing; did anyone see the accidental take off of the Victor in 2009?

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I've seen it at the Tattoo and at Farnborough both great days out!

For a non after burning aircraft the noise is insane I've got a video ill put up on here later of it taking off last year.

Shame that so much money is needed to keep it flying and it's mainly from donations.

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Rolls Royce Olympus' in that monster from memory? Suchhhh a good noise! Might be Conways though, or Armstrong Siddley Saphires.... all of them were used in the old V fleet at one time or another.

Read Vulcan 607, amazing read and I highly recommend it. Unbelievable feat of tactical planning and endurance. I'm not as into the old big jets as I am WW2 era prop fighters/bombers/airliners, but if any this has to be my favourite of the jets.

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You can always tell in the air miles before you can see it, due to the 4 black plumes coming out of the back and the howl from the engines. There really is no other plane that sounds like it, it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at the airport last Sunday watching it take off, the noise was incredible. The howl from the engines, the noise of it in the air. There is no better sound. If you can, TF peeps, get out and see it. Its well worth it. Better than any other plane out flying today

Rolls Royce Olympus' in that monster from memory? Suchhhh a good noise! Might be Conways though, or Armstrong Siddley Saphires.... all of them were used in the old V fleet at one time or another.

Read Vulcan 607, amazing read and I highly recommend it. Unbelievable feat of tactical planning and endurance. I'm not as into the old big jets as I am WW2 era prop fighters/bombers/airliners, but if any this has to be my favourite of the jets.

Yes mate. They are a none after burning version of the ones on the Concorde

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XH558 on its flight today also flew over the non airworthy Vulcan (XL426) at Southend Airport. I was working in Leigh and missed it though :( Will get to see it at RIAT though so all is good.

I've decided if I win the Euromillions on Tuesday I will donate a few million to keep it flying!

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