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Chain Problems


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Just got a new frame with the same length stays as my last one, however I cannot get any tension until the rear axle is almost completely out of the dropouts

Same chain, relatively new with little stretch

I have tried removing a link but that brought the axle so far forward that the tyre caught on the frame and wouldn't move

and i reaaaally don't want to have to run a half link

Any ideas on what I can do?

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different bb rise(changing the angle of the drouputs in a fair few cases) can result in that,too.

In fairness, if it's a new frame then it's probably just the fact it's a new frame and thus has a different design, rather than it being anything to do with geometry. If it's got the same amount of links in, when the chain's tensioned correctly the rear axle is always going to sit at a certain point from the BB irrespective of rise (in that it's going to be moving along an arc with a constant radius from the centre of the BB). It just depends how the frame has been designed.

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