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Demonstration riding.


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Right, I've always wanted to get into demo riding and the fact I'm almost at a level I feel is okay to do them has made it a bit more real.

I'm doing one on the 2nd of June with a mate who asked me to come along, it's unpaid, I did it last year and it was great fun. Basically I rode between the times they said the show was on, and that was cool. I may be lucky enough to do it during the show times this year if I'm good enough which will be cool.

However, I've been invited by my local bike shop to do a demo for them, doubt it'll be paid but I'm not too bothered...

Basically a shout out to those out there who have a bit of experience or advice for me, I'm not worried about the Eastbourne one but the local one I am. As I'm pretty sure I've got to set it all up etc, what sorta stuff shall I do, what obstacles do I need etc.

Any advice would be cool. Might try to get a local or two to help out as it's pretty unrealistic to do it on my own imo.

Oh and it's next week too, so not that long to plan at all.

Edited by JMCD
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Try and do something really original like get a member of the audience or a friend to lay down on the ground and hop over them? You could be ever more original and drop your front wheel so it almost touches their genitals!

Good luck man :)

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Always find a balance beam is a crowd pleaser. Doesn't need to be to thin. Some 6 by 2 or 4 by 2 will do. And talk to the crowd and invite questions about what trials is and everything. Or after you have done a ride do a talk and questions. Depends what kind of crowd you have. I normaly take a spare bike or two to give people a go on.

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Do stuff I know I can definitely do... Great advice cheers, and might have to give the hopping around a friend thing a practice first. Wouldn't want to mess that up lol.

I'm a bit worried about speaking to the audience cause I'm deaf and always have trouble communicating with people I don't know well :/

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Start small... People will be impressed by a 180 on flat ground, they won't know what you're capable of so you'll probably get the same reaction from a 180 as you will from a 50" sidehop.

Work up to stuff, play the crowd, get someone on a mic who is like 'oooh not sure if he'll make this' yadda yadda yadda.

Don;t make trials riders look likebellends by wearing lycra.

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The comments about riding within your boundaries are a lot of bollocks.

Shows are all about pushing the limits. As N.Wood says, start small and build up. For example, during our shows, we have a bit of rivalry between the riders (Ben Travis being English and me be Scottish) So we hold mini competitions. The first being the, "side hop comp". Start off small and raise the bar till one of us beats the other. Get the crowd split down the middle, one side cheers for Ben the other for me. While my side cheers for me, Bens side boos and vice versa.

The other comp is the "gap comp". We set out two of our Demo boxes and push the gap bigger till we can’t land it. It usually ends up in someone either falling or landing back wheel and just being able to hold it... it keeps the crowd "on the edge of their seat".

The can crush is usually a crowd pleaser. We call that recycling.

Balance beams are a god idea as mentioned.

Always leave your best trick till the end of the show, whether that’s a 6 foot 360 drop or a tail whip drop or whatever.

Hope that helps.

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Really helpful stuff from all of you, cheers. :D

Jo, I may not be doing the one in my town if they can't give me enough support with it such as obstacles etc. But I'll deffo be doing the one in Eastbourne as that's already been planned, will use everyone's tips towards the one in eastbourne for sure so thanks for that.

Sidehop/gap comp is a good idea, great stuff Ross :)

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