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rockman highrise or trialtech highrise?

trials hoe

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so i'm looking into getting some bars with bit more rise, anyone tried the rockmans? trialtech are the safe option, with 1* of sweep and like a gram between them on paper they 'should' feel pretty similar to ride.

the last alu rockman bars i had (silver rockbars) were a bit on the floppy side, it used to do my head in...wondering if the new ones are best avoided too.

which would you go for? ideally someone will have some rockmans and can comment on weather they're any good or not.

cheers :)


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well they look proper nice, but as they've not really been used much yet you'll be one of the first people sort of testing them out.

If you want a reliable, strong set of bars that you know won't go wrong go for the trialtech's as they're tried and tested!

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thought thats the boat i'd be in, the rm carbons i have are bang-on other than not having enough rise now i'm on a 24 again. seems rockman have come a fair way recently too, stepping into the carbon fork game....they need to put a disc mount option on the stock ones though :-

yeah the tt's are a safe bet, just want to avoid having all the same stuff on my bike as everyone else. guess it's take a punt time, i'd rather have a bit of variety on my bike parts wise.

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If everyone's running it, it's probably because it's decent.

being that the rockmans are 'new' to the market, the only choice everyone has had are the tt/inspired when it came to high rise bars hence why i'm asking about the rockmans.....

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basically if you've been saving your £50 for a while and want to get some ace bars that will last get the trialtech's.

If you won't be too miffed if they snap and are willing to take a bit of a chance for what could be a potentially better bar get the rockman's :)

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