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side hops


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ive notice that most people side hop over their weak foot i.e right foot front and they hop to the left..

i really struggle to do both to be far but i seem to do it to the right am i doing something wrong??

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Most seem to go to the side of their leading foot at first, moving onto the opposite side as they progress. Thats what Ive seen anyway.

You'll find it easier in the long run to go to the side of your trailing foot, having more room to setup, and your legs positioned in a way that makes tucking to achieve the sidehop easier.

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Most seem to go to the side of their leading foot at first, moving onto the opposite side as they progress. Thats what Ive seen anyway.

Isn´t it weird? Serously, the reason behind this could be the fact that it´s easier to lead the rear wheel to the "bad" side with your rear foot pushing against the crank, at least it was and still is to me. So I´m a bit more accurate to the bad side, but can go bigger to the good side.

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Isn´t it weird? Serously, the reason behind this could be the fact that it´s easier to lead the rear wheel to the "bad" side with your rear foot pushing against the crank, at least it was and still is to me. So I´m a bit more accurate to the bad side, but can go bigger to the good side.

Yeah I agree. Im more accurate to my good side than I am the bad side now.

Whenever I go to the bad side now I either have to lead the rear end on by landing front wheel first or get the height and roughly place the bike over it.

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