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Freewheel and tyre question.


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Hey guys I have 2 questions!

Firstly, I sold my bike to a mate a couple of days ago. We rode a bit today, and the freewheel (Echo SL 108, used by me mr fatty since october 2012) was pretty soundless and the little sound it made where quite shitty. I tried flushing it out with some teflon oil. That didn't do any difference. What could be the problem?

Secondly, my mate has a Maxxis high roller on the rear and he was curious to know if removing every other knobble would be good for that tyre? And he also wanted to know if running the tyre backwards would increase the grip? I have no experince with any tyres that are bigger than 20" so this is the reason I want to know :)


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personally if the freewheel still engages well just leave it but if you want sound clean out the internals

It skipped once or twice aswell, forgot to say that. It's super hard to get WD40 here in Sweden so what could I use?

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rc nitro car fuel stuff? i used some and it did the trick, loads of shitty black grit and gunk came out of it too. just filled a tub to submerge it, left for a while then re lubed (Y)

thought the same about the rotation direction with the tyre, but if its a super tacky grip won't be an issue.....mine has loooooooads of it no need to want for anymore :D

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rc nitro car fuel stuff? i used some and it did the trick, loads of shitty black grit and gunk came out of it too. just filled a tub to submerge it, left for a while then re lubed (Y)

thought the same about the rotation direction with the tyre, but if its a super tacky grip won't be an issue.....mine has loooooooads of it no need to want for anymore :D

Might be able to get some of that. His dad is a drifter though so he might have something similar. Never thought of leving it in a bath, good idea :)

I'll tell him that if he ever complains about grip haha ;)


You have no idea how many random pictures that popped up on google when I googled that word...hehe... What's gizer?

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For the tyre question, i always run my rear tyre backwards, because in theory it should increase your grip, hence the reason TryAll tyres have the tread pattern pointing the opposite way to the direction of the tyre.

As for the freewheel, take it apart and clean all of the grease out of it.
Put the pawls and springs back into place and slightly bend the spring out wards.
Lightly grease up the ball bearings and then reassemble the freewheel and that should sort the problems.

You have no idea how many random pictures that popped up on google when I googled that word...hehe... What's gizer?

I think he means this stuff?


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For the tyre question, i always run my rear tyre backwards, because in theory it should increase your grip, hence the reason TryAll tyres have the tread pattern pointing the opposite way to the direction of the tyre.

As for the freewheel, take it apart and clean all of the grease out of it.

Put the pawls and springs back into place and slightly bend the spring out wards.

Lightly grease up the ball bearings and then reassemble the freewheel and that should sort the problems.

I think he means this stuff?


Awesome Brad, thank you. I'll give him this little guide haha :D

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WD40 finns ju där 5-56 säljs tex på jula.

Jag bruka spola ur frihjulet med crc bräkclean och låta det

avdunsta en stund och sen smörja med 5-56 eller wd40.

Med däcket är det bara att prova att vända på den men skulle inte skära bort något.

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WD40 finns ju där 5-56 säljs tex på jula.

Jag bruka spola ur frihjulet med crc bräkclean och låta det

avdunsta en stund och sen smörja med 5-56 eller wd40.

Med däcket är det bara att prova att vända på den men skulle inte skära bort något.

Alright då kör vi på det då :)

iits just universal parts washer

Aaah I see. Yeah I'll flush it out with some engine degreaser, and then oil it up with some kind of light oil!

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