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After two weeks of riding trials


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I'm really not that bothered, people lie all the time on the internet but the correct title should be along the lines of "After two weeks of riding after a break"

I did the same, returned after a 4 year gap and realised how I didn't lose the ability to kick hop and had all my balance etc. Made progression a shit ton easier, much like this guy.

But yeah, I don't care haha

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I don't see what the big deal is ? You could all say that everyone that has rode a bike has rode trials before if you go by them standards? It's simple really have a had a trials bike before ? No this is the first trials bike i have owned. Yes i've rode bikes before but never trials, I rode when I was 15 for a few weeks and then I was only going out on a mountain bike the having a go on a friends onza t-pro but is that classes as being a rider who rides trials I personally don't think so. Maybe I have taken to it pretty well as i've rode motocross for years and do ride a bike for work (commuting).

But whatever call me a liar all you want ?

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Ive been riding 3-4 years now, and when I started out Id ridden park/dj for ages which gave me an advantage in bike control and balance.
As a result, in my first week or two of riding I could pedal kick, back wheel a small ledge and do small to fronts.

Past experience on a bike helps to no end. My bro is an example, hes been riding 2 years or so, but had little progression/experience on his past DJ rig. As a result hes learnt a vast amount on the trials bike, which has taken longer.

I fully believe you. I see no point in people making assumptions on a sport that's shown people to have such varying progression rates.

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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Ive been riding 3-4 years now, and when I started out Id ridden park/dj for ages which gave me an advantage in bike control and balance.

As a result, in my first week or two of riding I could pedal kick, back wheel a small ledge and do small to fronts.

Past experience on a bike helps to no end. My bro is an example, hes been riding 2 years or so, but had little progression/experience on his past DJ rig. As a result hes learnt a vast amount on the trials bike, which has taken longer.

I fully believe you. I see no point in people making assumptions on a sport that's shown people to have such varying progression rates.

im on the same boat, ive rid dh for years and dabbled in a bit of street I owned a t-bird for about 2 months when I was 12 but only rode it a few times as no one else done trials anywhere near me so didn't see the point in keeping at it, I bought a trials bike about 3 weeks ago and posted a vid of my riding at the weekend but no one really seems to believe how fast ive progressed in 3 weeks.

coming from any sort of tech riding background does really help a lot when it comes to trials, im sure it would be the same for someone who rode trials for years stepping over to dh, it would more than likely give them an upper hand to someone who only cycles their bike to the shop for a pint of milk.

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I no that's the exact same with me. I only posted a video for something to do with waiting for parts. Next time i won't bother. I understand a lot due to rising motor cross of how a bike handle etc and riding a bike to work everyday gives me basic control from hoping up curbs etc. there are people on here who saw me with on my first day and will second at the beginning of the day even stayin on the back wheel was a struggle.

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I don't see what the big deal is ? You could all say that everyone that has rode a bike has rode trials before if you go by them standards? It's simple really have a had a trials bike before ? No this is the first trials bike i have owned. Yes i've rode bikes before but never trials, I rode when I was 15 for a few weeks and then I was only going out on a mountain bike the having a go on a friends onza t-pro but is that classes as being a rider who rides trials I personally don't think so. Maybe I have taken to it pretty well as i've rode motocross for years and do ride a bike for work (commuting).

But whatever call me a liar all you want ?

Its really good riding, whatever amount of time, makes me a little worried that im not at that level!! haha

looking forward to seeing the next vid

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