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Any gym experts in here ?


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Looking for some help with squats , my problem being I can't keep my bloody heals down . I've got to 140kg easy but that's literally on my tip toes and feels like I'm gonna fall over at any point . The minute I start to go down they lift off the floor . Trying to get this technique sorted so I can see what my max could be and work on it . I know I have tight hamstrings , have all my life maybe it's that that's stopping me ? Any tips ?

I'm pretty tall guy too 6'3 and over 18stone ... Can bench 185kg and dead lift 310kg . But none of that really counts for riding ... I'd say the squats are most important but if I can't keep me heals down I'm screwed and likely to have an accident if I try to push it on my toes :)

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I've tried with couple 10kg's under each heal which helps but still feels bit wobbly . Would love to get it sorted without using anything .... My mate said try it like your taking a shit in the woods but nearly fell backwards trying it that way :)

This is the only thing stopping my trials improving I reckon ... Hopefully it's not my hamstrings playing up or ill be carrying bits of wood to the gym permanently

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Flexibility is the issue I reckon, like damon said 90% of gym goers have the same problem. I wouldn't do hamstring stretches, they don't work in my experience. Start with a stance slightly wider than shoulders, point toes slightly outwards, look forward, chest high and sit into the squat, bringing your hips between your knees, straight back. At first you may only be able to go down so far but in time the flexibility will come, this is like an olympic squat, alternatively try box squats, research louie simmons from Westside barbell, they have big guys who are world class and theres plenny on tutorials available from them. Bottom line is keep your hips level and sit between your knees, like having a poo on the floor!

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