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who's going to be the first person on here to buy one of these?


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Basically anything Damon gets his hands on he breaks, and so far not one Limey4 had cracked.

So Onza should give Damon a Limey to see if he can break one (by riding it)

I think I'm giving the limeys a pretty good run for it's money so far out of everyone, but yeah Damons gaps and stuff would certainly put it to test... Ha.

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Chris has got one now, no doubt Damon will try it at some point. Back to the monty, I can see little Reece Seymour ending up with one of these at some point, I've been winding his dad up for ages about it

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dont have to be fat to snap stuff ..

You are a light kid, Abel is a powerhouse who is going 3x bigger than you every time he is on the bike and he hadn´t snapped his(ripping brake mounts out of frame doesn´t count as snapping in my book). So yeah, you would sooo snap it.

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You are a light kid, Abel is a powerhouse who is going 3x bigger than you every time he is on the bike and he hadn´t snapped his(ripping brake mounts out of frame doesn´t count as snapping in my book). So yeah, you would sooo snap it.

ripping brake mounts out of it must be a design fault then, it shouldnt happen! :P

Ps, it was a joke about me snapping it, dont have to take it seriously .. and george

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Flipp is right.

All carbon is carbon, but not all carbon is the same.

This is a test which cannot be applied to ALL carbon frames. It simply prooves how good Santa Cruz's frames are

I think he just wanted to show that there are good carbon frames what has been tested( I know that the m5 was tested too, but its a video, you can see it, hopefully they will believe it)

Why does people does not believe in carbon? If it processed well ( and this should be) they can be better than alloy. Take a look at LaFerrari for example. Its made of carbon and it is a proper street car what based on Formula 1 technology. Both of them will get big forces.

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Carbon monocoques by definition are very strong and very stiff, but it depends on the quality of the carbon weave used and the method of laying it up, ie pre preg or wet lay. I suspect monty won't be using the cheap stuff, and seen as its the first full carbon trials bike out there, you can be sure that they want it to be the best. There is no doubt it will be strong and stiff from me, its had Dani Comas bouncing on it for the last year or so, and he's a tank. If is wasn't ready to be made available to the public, or monty doubted its performance in any way, then they wouldn't release it, simple as that.

Edited by bing
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Andrei was chatting with Comas about the M5 while he was staying with him.

Comas said its siffness was increadable, the responsivness and low weight make it amazing for comp use and it has lasted longer than any of his alloy frames - ever!

Pretty sure Abel was on the same bike for all of last seaon too, which for a top lever comp rider is impressive

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I like it, looks a great piece of kit!

'Lol' at the folk who would buy it through the tarty price match. If you can get it from somewhere in the deepest darkest Middle East for £37.99 go buy it from them, and accept you'll probably never see it or our money again or wait 6weeks for it to come. Don't waste other people's time and try and do a great company who I'm positive would help you out if a problem came up with the bike out of money.

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Lol that happens on a lot of other frames, so I wouldn´t call it a BIG fail.

That's a BIG fail because Monty gives the complete bike. You are paying almost 3000 euros for a bike and the first you have to do is to change the cranks or the bb and you said that's not a big fail? So for you is normal to go to a shop, to buy a new bike and then to see there are components not compatibles with the frame? I think I am who has to say "lol"

Today I took a pic of the Nacho's M5, he bought the complete bike to Monty and he had to change the bb, there you can see the mark on the frame.


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I think you are the one who doesn´t get it that´s for sure...99% people who buy this bike will change BB right away, who the hell would use some FSA crap on F1 bike???If anyone has problem with it what stops them from calling monty and getting them sort it out?

Edit: To add some new info to this topic frame kit(frame+forks+headset+bash) costs 1800-1900euro. So for the price of the full bike you can get better and lighter parts than on full build.

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