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Boston Marathon Explosions


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He looks pretty conposed for a man that's lost both his legs, a normal person would be in a state of shock I would imagine.

Also is that normal Boston emergency service procedure putting a man who can't have long to live in a wheelchair?

he looks like he's clearly in shock (both physically and mentally) to me and he doesn't look too composed either.....wheelchairs would have been every where anyway for knackered runners and all, makes sense they'd put him in one. given the state of shock he's in he'd probably survive a short while before receiving any medical attention, especially as that cowboy dude looks to be pinching one of his arteries.

as with all conspiracy theorys there is no 'concrete' evidence, that's why they are conspiracies and people look like wackjobs when they talk about 'em. i'd normally sway toward the 'conspricies' side of events as they tend to hold more water than a political version of events. that said this is exaclly the kind of thing the CIA would do, after all they are in place to protect the country's interests not the population....people would be collateral damage to a bigger picture. but i think they would try harder than pressure cooker bombs my self, that's more the aryan brotherhood kinda thing imo.

also your approach is terrible hahaha it's like you're screaming sheep at everyone for not jumping on board with you.

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nah, not buying it.

It seems a lot of conspiracys are so far fetched that they borderline ridiculous. The idea that people believe such complex covered ups are more believable than a "simple" bombing is weird to me.

I wonder if governments get annoyed being accused of such things or if they like the fact some people think they are capable of them?

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You will like this one, has anyone seen the illuminati card game that was produced in the early 90s?

i don't....i love it :bow: . the notion of the whole thing is plausible, but the 'evidence' that is used to prove the existence of it (Illuminati) is hilariously rubbish. but do link me, i just woke up from a power nap and could have a giggle.

is that collage of pictures suggesting they are fake movies prop legs? pic of the severed limbs looks legit to me, its a bit disheartening to see something most likely created by some douche spouting hate about the 'zog mercenaries' and using a poorly fabricated story to generate some hate towards the government......

Edited by trials hoe
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"The lure of conspiracies is that it makes the believer special, in his own eyes and the eyes of many. He knows the secret, he has the inside scoop. It's a matter of having inside information nobody else has, unless they are wise enough to be in on the matter"

Edited by TrialsRob
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I have refrained from commenting but some of the points being made here are so far-fetched I fear for the next generation!

I find it funny how every major event in the past X years has had an associated conspiracy theory within a matter of days (hours in some cases!). It's sad to think that people are so sceptical nowadays.

I just wrote a large rant but what's the point! I'll cut to the bottom line... Since the beginning of time people have disagreed. This will continue for as long as time exists. Part of all of our lives is to digest information and form our own opinions. Humans have found that basing such opinions on fact holds much more weight than speculation and hearsay. We are

..ahh I give up! I can hear the gremlins forming there responses...


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Take it you are the latter.

That's the whole point, By adopting the position of a conspiracy believer you put yourself in a position of intelligence, you feel you are above other lesser people because you can see through the lies/deceit where few others can. Having people deny your beliefs may even strengthen them, after all if you are right then their refusal to see the truth only proves how much smarter/better adjusted you are than them.

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That's the whole point, By adopting the position of a conspiracy believer you put yourself in a position of intelligence, you feel you are above other lesser people because you can see through the lies/deceit where few others can. Having people deny your beliefs may even strengthen them, after all if you are right then their refusal to see the truth only proves how much smarter/better adjusted you are than them.

Bang on the money!

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Last one from me as i can see im pissing in the wind.

Pissing in the wind?....Try pissing on your own face.

So far all I have seen from you is, saying someone doesn't look upset/shocked enough? Put it this way, he went from a fully able bodied man watching an event, enjoying his day, probably personally cheering someone on to a double amputee in a split second, combined with the literal deafening and disorientating bang and shock wave, then looking down and seeing blood and bone, no feet, bodies and other injured all around screaming and panic. This is not to mention the main point.... Rapid blood loss. One of the major side effects of Hypovelemic shock (a state of shock caused when their is a rapid and large loss of blood volume from your circulatory system via internal or external bleeding) is mental confusion along with pale skin and the body stopping the use of anything none vital in its survival, including the body holding onto any fluids possible to fight dehydration.

So all in all I guess he is a "normal person" as he is showing all classic signs of shock, the only other way you could see him, would be totally unconscious.

As for him looking somewhat similar to injured war veteran, that's just both clutching at straws and completely disgusting and disrespectful!

You could also do us all a favour and not only bring mildly arguable evidence to this discussion but also refrain from posting such images. A lot of people do not deal well with images like that, I for one am fine with it, but we are in a community so be aware of your potential audience and their age.

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