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Setting Up V Brakes

Sam Song

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Well, my Magura finally died yesterday.

In my four years of riding, I don't think I was ever completely satisfied with Magura rim brakes to be honest. I always had to bleed, move the calipers in, it was just such a pain in the ass.

So I decided to try the V Brake in the rear. It is to be used on a 2009 Zoo Piranha Long, and I'm just deciding on which parts to get.

Lever: Avid Speed Dial SL

Cable: Odyssey Linear Slic Race cable (loved this cable with bb7)

Arms: Avid SD7?

Adaptor: Heatsink? Onza? Not too sure what to get

Booster: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/images/custom/brakes/large_brandxbooster.jpg The only v booster on Tarty.

Since I don't have any experience with V Brakes, I just have a few concerns:

- How easy is it to set the v pads square to the rim? It's not like Maguras with Echo TR clamps which do that for you.

- Do V arms matter at all? I can get used a used Shimano Deore V locally: http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/8517553/ or an SD7 arm from Ebay.

- How much weight gain usually by going v brake?

- V brakes have less bite and how much less is it? I've always used the mineral oil in Magura HS33s, so it's not like I'm coming from the superlight water bleed maguras.

- I hated bleeding my Magura every 2-3 months, is there any maintenance work involved with V brakes?

I know it's a lot of questions, but I have no experience with the v brakes whatsoever. Although I do love my bb7 brakes.

I do see Mr. Stan Shaw using SD7 arms!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all,

Didn't want to start up a new topic for something that might've been asked already, but I can't find anything by searching and this thread title fits the bill.

I've got an Avid Ultimate V on the rear and I'm having trouble getting it stay set-up. I can align all the pads and get the brake pads to hit the rim at the same time but it doesn't last and eventually the left-hand arm starts to get stuck in position and I have to fiddle around the with bolts again.

Has anyone had this before and how did you fix it? Is it feature of v-brakes that one side tends to lag and doesn't spring back?

Cheers for your help.


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Ye that's what I'm having to fiddle with to bring the left-hand arm back out from the rim. When it is set up it's really good but it's a pain in the arse having to adjust it every 20mins.

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If the bearings are notchy, chances are you can recover then very easily. Pop the bearings out, use a sharp knife/Stanley knife blade to prise up the outside of the rubber seals (not the inside because you will ruin the seal). Soak the bearings in petrol or degreaser till the bearings come free and smooth. Pack new grease into the race and refit the seals.

The grease in the bearings eventually hardens and forms lumps on the bearing race that stops the balls from rotating freely, hence notchy :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

SD7 arms are more than up to it, anything will do as long as it's got one-piece arms. Ultimates are the way to go, but i'd not get them new. They come up second hand quite a lot.

Slick cable, correct pads for what you're after and a booster are key...

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If you had to choose between Shimano XT arms: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Mr-Ride-Shimano-Deore-XT-BR-T780-M780-V-brake-set-Front-Rear-Black-/330924201195?pt=US_Brakes&hash=item4d0c9e94eb

and Avid SD7 arms, which one would you go for and why?

It seems peeps at observedtrials.net recommend Avids while this forum recommends Shimano arms. :blink:

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Don't go for parrallel push, they aren't any better and always rattle and create loads of noise. I have XTs F+R on my Pashley and they aren't as nice as the SD7 on my 24. Personally after running several different brakes I would run only Deore, SD7 or Ultimates if I had a choice (Only using XTs currently as they were free haha)

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