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Radfest Bike Trial Festival 2013.


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I can't believe how much spectators are charged to watch when it's only 50p for Tarty days :(

I was just thinking this too, any reason why radfest is priced a fair bit higher?

Rider fees are cheaper too?

I'm guessing radfest will have more stuff going on and more stalls etc.

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Because I knew I was leaving TartyBikes I didn't get particularly involved in the setting up of TartyDays in terms of the full behind-the-scenes stuff so this isn't "for definite" or whatever, but the thing to consider is that TartyBikes operates as a shop so losses from running an event can be absorbed to some extent. Although Mick and Jack are both involved with shops of their own, Radfest seems more like a stand-alone thing so there's potentially less scope to do so.

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If there is a projector, we could have a topic of the best trials videos of all time, then play the top 3 by vote? could be fun. dont want to see 3 danny mac vids though haha

How about, vote for the best video of a said "genre" of riding?

You could have your TGS, your Street and your Compy/Natty shizzle.

That way everyone gets their viewing of a style they can relate to most/enjoy more.

Edit: This was Sam - Echo Lite 09.

No idea why my bro's logged into my laptop...

Edited by gurider2010
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How about, vote for the best video of a said "genre" of riding?

You could have your TGS, your Street and your Compy/Natty shizzle.

That way everyone gets their viewing of a style they can relate to most/enjoy more.

Dunno if that is the best shout ever, better to just let people decide. Im easy watching TGS, comp, street, 24 etc and to be honest, everyone else will probably be pretty happy with it too.

I guess if there were to be categories, best 20,24,26" videos, then overall best vids or something, then it would be fair enough.

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Industry. That may mean craig lee Scott might be there, imagine a tgs comp between him, Damon and Prattley

You forgot Jamie Moxon, he's a little machine on that little CrackAli!

4 and a bit weeks to go!

I'm slightly excited (UNDERSTATEMENT)

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Hey guys.

I think I have figgured out how to get to Radfest.

I'm planing on driving to Calais and taking the ferry to Dover late at night on the 25th.

And I just wanted to see if there's a couch I could sleep on close to Dover or on the way between Dover and Radfest, in return I can offer a seat in my car for you, your bike and essentials, to and from Radfest.

Even if I cant find somebody to stay with, I still have room for one more person in my car.

I havent booked anything yet, still have to take time off from work and stuff, but I am pretty sure thats how I'm going to do it, so please let me know if you have a place for me or just need a ride. (if you have a place for me to sleep you get priority on the ride)


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That crept up quick.

3 Weeks!

Some gossip.

Onza Bikes look to be bringing a big TV and some cool bike vids.

Flawless Bikes have got something 'Magic' lined up.

RadicalBikes and a team of guys are having a move around with the sections and some more objects are getting delivered for the festival. Let us know of any lines we might be able to make after all that inspiration of the latest Danny Macaskill Imaginate video. :)

Tickets - http://bit.ly/10P3iEI

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If the seed/idea is planted, i can see this one day being built but not this year.

That would actually be pretty awesome.

Will there be a timetable/schedule for the kicker/gap comps etc? I was pretty late last year & missed some stuff.

A timetable of events would be a good idea, but what if they want to keep some things a surprise? Putting "surprise event" in the list wouldn't work as the info would probably get leaked :P

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