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debating.. keep my echo 24", or to buy dual disc mod?

ashleys sugden

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yeah,postmount would be a start,as mentioned.

i dont have the 3(!) pm/is adapters i snapped in 4 weeks or so(honestly) anymore,otherwise i`d show them.

most of the brake(that sounds funny haha) turned backwards with the disc taking 2/3 of the adaptor with it,the other 1/3 was left on the forwards facing mounting hole together with one mounting eye of the snapped caliper.

i was practising backweelhops!

the cracking marks on the adapters showed signs of bending,like if you put the front in a vice and bend the rest until it cracks.

first brake was a year old,other two survived 1 and 2 weeks

first brake had 160 rotor,others 180...(thought it´d change the force transmission between rim and disc to save the caliper)everything was straight and faced and set up correct.

parts which bend before cracking are due to forces in a "wrong" direction,in this case the disc tried to rotate the adapter,hence the idea with the diagonal setup,it´d put the force over the lenght of the adaptor

i think there is no trials specific adaptor,and the moto ones are symmetrical afaik

Edited by FamilyBiker
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hope have done trials specific rotors since they made the mono trial rotor and now the trialzone rotor for use with the trial brakes specificaly for trials they are lazer cut and could easily change the design at any time. ( asuming this you are saying hope no nothing about forces aplyed in trial riding so why dont you or ali tell them if there wrong)

before they made mtb and road parts hope started there company making trials parts for motortials long before i was born.

the weakest point on a brake mount is the old IS mounted bolts and mount as the forces shear and twist the fittings.

show me a broken mount adaptor as i havent seen any break yet? i have seen IS calipers with bent mounts and snapped bolts.

hope trialzone brakes are avalable in post mount, shame most frames arent yet

I like how easy post mount is to set up, but I'd say IS was the stronger/better design.

With IS you can make sure everything is 100% straight, with post mount you can make the surfaces flush but if the drillings are off then that can effect things.

I've also cracked more than one post mount adaptor and one calliper but never an IS design. IS mounts are also way more low profile than post mount and look a lot nicer (seen trials forks with post mounts? pretty horrible).

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yeah,a precise machining would be the precondition.

IS mounts are stronger because the frames and forks are IS,thats matching each other good.

if they build pure postmount components(with bigger surfaces for the calipers to push/pull on,it´d be stronger imo.

as said above the position of the mount would have to be changed to improve force flow,avoiding one of the caliper mounts to be put under the bigger stresses than the other...

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