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Just had a quick roll around and bedded the Saints in, all I can say is f**k.

Believe the hype! The front is brand new & it's almost too much with the 203 rotor, in a good way, the rear is 2nd hand and needs a slight bleed, it also has cheap pads so I'll sort that later. but it's not far off.

The set up in the pics seems perfect, bar height etc.

I'm struggling to set the 26" up though, any ideas? I want maximum easy pulling up, but don't want it too cramped, it's 1025, +20, 378, 73, and I'm 6ft. It's got Trialtech hi rise bars but I've got quite a few stems I can swap around.

I've never had a 26" that has a bb any higher than -5mm bb...

Edited by LEON
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i think the description of the tt high risers said "total rise",that´d mean rise from bar clamp to bar end,and normally bars are measured in "rise" as rise from bar clamp to first bend.

i think.

edit:what i wanted to say is that if the dabombs are measured in the "normal" way,they´re "x rise" plus upsweep,depending on the bar with it could give another 20mm

Edited by FamilyBiker
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Out of interest how do the high rises measure up relative to the tactics? The numbers say that the Dabomb's have a smaller rise but the pictures I've seen don't look like it.

Yeah the tactics are waaay higher, after using them I actually don't like the trialtechs much, too low and too much backsweep (tactics have very little)

TT has more upsweep, but the Tactics have much more rise. I'll try get a side by side pic.

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i think the description of the tt high risers said "total rise",that´d mean rise from bar clamp to bar end,and normally bars are measured in "rise" as rise from bar clamp to first bend.

i think.

Yeah I think Inspired or Tarty (whoever writes the description) uses total rise, which is not that helpful as everyone else in the industry measures differently.

Most manufacturers measure something like what Peter said ^^

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Cool beans :) Cheers dude.


A big portion of the TT's rise is due to the upsweep, the tactics don't have too much upsweep so most of the measurement is all rise as you can see.

Because TT have a lot of backsweep, you need to have them rolled far forward to make use of the upsweep, which is no good for people who wanna bunnyhop, if they're set pretty straight or back a touch then the backsweep becomes downsweep.

Edited by LEON
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Measuring bars by only using the rise of the bend is silly, I got so frustrated trying to find a bar last year because you can't use that measurement to work out which bar is the tallest. Using total rise is the only sure fire way of working out which bar is the tallest.

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