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Slight injury boys.........


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Was out on the new stock, trying a static up to rear and it went a bit pete tong, resulting in this


Broke my fibula, more specifically the end off the bone on my fibula, and wrecked all the ligaments and tendons as well. It's the first time I've ever broke a limb, and its proper buggered things up now. Worst thing is I was supposed to be going to London with the g/f for 3 days, not any more.

So that's me off my feet for 6 weeks, and off the bike for considerably longer. Put a right dent in me trying to win the novice title at tyke trials now. Ah well, it'll be reet :). Anyone in Yorkshire wants to borrow either bike or parts off either bike for a few weeks, let me know

Edited by bing
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I know nothing about broken bones, but Ben at l,a,c in congleton broke his heel about 4 months ago and is back on the bike after recovering.

I am sure you will be back to normal after 3-4 months.

Knowing u Dan you will be back on the bike in less than two months mate :)

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6 weeks is ages

I know nothing about broken bones, but Ben at l,a,c in congleton broke his heel about 4 months ago and is back on the bike after recovering.

I am sure you will be back to normal after 3-4 months.

Knowing u Dan you will be back on the bike in less than two months mate :)

Are my maths off?

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Update, been for the proper pot this morning, broke 2 bones now not just one, found the other one on a ct scan. Might have to have surgery as well, I'll find out in the morning,


and call me out for brown nosing if you like, I got in in trials addict green and black, seen as tartys don't appear to have a corporate colour scheme, otherwise I would have got a mixture of the 2

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Are my maths off?

how are my maths off?

i am saying 6 weeks without walking sucks.

and 3-4 months to recover for normal people i am sure dan will be reovered by 2 months cus hes a northener

chips n gravy fix

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  • 3 months later...

Got an update. It turns out I cracked my heel in 5 places, and stretched all the tendons and ligaments. So now after 12 weeks, I have been released from the fracture clinic and passed over to orthopaedics, due to my good progress and looking after it. My foot is well on its way to healing up, the joint is in the right place, and I don't need surgery yet to my relief. I'm still quite weak, and walking with a right limp, but I'm getting there now. I've had little hops around the garden, I can still do it, but I wouldn't like to drop off anything higher than a kerb for a good while yet. Hopefully I can have a very small play at radfest. I cannot stress enough about proper rehab, because its helped me loads. Trust me lads, you don't wanna do this. Its bloody painful, and takes ages to recover.

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I know the feeling man.

I broke my shin bone, growth bone and my ankle pretty badly that my foot pointed the wrong way.
It took 9 weeks until the plaster was off and then i had to where a boot that made me look like a robot.
I took me 3 weeks to learn to walk again as the plaster was up to my groin.
I found that sitting on an exercise bike for an hour or so a day (in my case it was all day because it was mid summer and i had nothing better to do) helped to loosen up my muscles and started to help me gain strength back into my leg.

Also some of it is in your mind, the day my plaster was taken off the doctor told me to walk on it, and my mind couldn't process it so my leg just wouldn't move.

Anyway, enough of my unnecessary babble, hope you're back to full health soon!

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Hello there. I'm the Ben that Dez refers to, I was off work for 13 weeks and off the bike for probably the same amount of time. It's near enough exactly a year from breaking my heel and it still aches now and again I don't think it'll ever be 100% to be honest. My mothers well into all the herbal medicine and cures, she got me some comfrey cream from the local natural and health shop and I'd say it helped a lot! when I went for my physio the guy was really surprised with the movement I had in it considering it was a Nasty break, I broke the part of my heal inside where it meets the leg bone (the ball joint part for ease of trying to explain)

Hope everything heels up for you buddy I was so gutted when I broke mine I was supposed to of been going on holiday the following week but couldn't, couldn't go to work, drive, ride my bike or muck around playing football etc with my lad. So immobile with a leg injury! Hope everything goes well for you mate.

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