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Echo Girl Super Costumized - 6430gr - New 2013 colour scheme


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to be fair, if I had the money, I would do the same

And god knows I suck at trials riding

If you have the money(And I mean a lot of them, not only enough to buy parts), sure, why not. What I don´t get is people buying lightweight compononts that actually make their riding worse(superlight tires, carbon forks, bars etc).

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This bike is actually something i have in mind for myself in years, the problem is that i weight 90kg, and i probably kill a bike this light..

A few years back i had the chance to meet this nice girl, and she ask me to try trials, so.. i put this bike up with some spare parts, and bought the rest, as she is a newbie i know i could put a stupid light bike on her hands, and that she probably wont broke anything, and that is the reason why the bike is so light and she is still alive! Ahaha!

When she starts to get confidence and learn new tricks i know i have to change something.. but for now i will let it stay the way it is.

By the way, she got into trials at the tender age of 29! She looks like 17, but she is 30 now.

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