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24" bike

Koxx lad

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Its all well sayin by a rockman but it says in the title cheap and £490 for a frame werent really what i was looking for lol and this is right im currently riding a mod echo lite had it for about 8 and a half months and its still goin strong no cracks one dent and a few scratches so its not to bad riding a mod but i feel like a change watching other riders on there 24" everything looks better easyer lol :)

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That is quite simply not true.

That might apply to cars, computers or musical instruments, but would appear to be the polar opposite for trials bikes.

What'll snap first, an Echo or a Koxx?

Of course it depends how its ridden.

I know for a FACT, i have seen more Echo's snap than Rockman's.

I dont know where all the Rockman hating has come from.. They have a bad rep, and im not sure sure why?? I had the Rockman Austin 20" and loved it, and now the Radix..Again, Love it..Im not an absolute basher, but the frame gets a beating. And the radix has no sign of crack's/snaps!

When you buy a light comp style frame, its the same as anything..if you ride like an absolute tank, of course they will break!

Maybe Rockman frames of past werent as good as there current line up. But all the Rockman hating has to stop? If your going on the assumption that a few have broke so they must be crap..then echo are crap, koxx are crap, zhi, neon, All brands would be labelled as naff!!

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I aggree with what your sayin joe if i had the money that would be the bike for me but unfortunatley i aint got the dosh :( n

Continuing on bloody phone lol i just a bit peeved that all the prices of 24" bikes are threw the roof man i think rockmans are wicked but at the same time wicked expensive lol this is y im debating 26 as there cheaper lool

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Haha. That's not at all what I meant.

I didn't think it through when writing it, but people will obviously take what they read at the face value.

I was discussing the concept of getting more for paying more. Nothing specific to Rockman. I didn't even use them as the example!

As for the issue you thought I meant but actually didn't ( :P ), I still disagree. They might not be as delicate as their reputation makes out, but there's a definite trend.

And yes - I would go so far as to say almost all trials brands are naff, at the minute. Making a product that can barely be used what it was made for is just bad methodology.

Brands that aren't: Trialtech/Inspired and Hope. They make a product as light as it sensibly can be without making it delicate enough it can't perform its intended purpose.

Older (but not too old) Deng frames had it right. Seemingly Onza do, too. They've made the Limey4 pretty light, but that's Ok since it seems they must have done it intelligently - how many have broken (not prototypes)? I've not been searching, but I've not heard of any at all.

Then again, the superlight products are obviously "designed" with a certain consumerbase in mind of which I am not a member, so my opinion on the matter is entirely invalid.

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