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magura..... again


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sorry i know i always have problems with my magura but this is it on its last legs i think now, the piston swelled a bit so i sanded didnt work sanded again didnt work sanded again didnt work then sprayed shit loads of silicon oil into the hole and it started moving freely so i rebled. i ws pulling brake lever and it felt shit and piston was getting stuck in again and i kept pumping lever and there was this like huge pop and water pissed everywhere all over the floor. i took lever off and piston came out and tw%tted my thumb pretty hard, i put it all in again rebled and it done same thing

this is what it was like before it exploded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dpC9T1n_WQ&feature=youtu.be

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As I said before, it's your piston. Happened to me a few weeks ago. Get a new one and it will be fine. The Echo Tr piston does fit, that's what I use. Easy and simple fix. You can ask Ben @ TrialsAddict as I believe he has some pistons, you may need to email him though as I don't think they are on his website.

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If there's anything you don't need its a new piston, it's the least likely part of the brake to have a non-fixable issue. Take the lever off and check if it's actually getting stuck, then you can decide what to do next.

how do i check if its getting stuck ? its not really now since i sanded it but now this happens every time

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I had this issue not log ago my mate had already had the issue and sorted it for me straight away. Basically you much remove the piston and sand it. I know you said you have done this, so when you did it did you you leave the seal on it ? If so you need a new seal as it will have been damaged and that's why it's leaking :) I hope you understand what I mean, if not let me know and ill explain again man.


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